PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
Activate the Surveys Feature

Activate the Surveys Feature


  1. Read the chapter titled “Surveys Feature in Detail” in the Administration Manual.


  1. Create a Surveys Auto Broadcast Template. See the tutorial titled, “Create a Surveys Auto Broadcast Template.


  1. Create an Even Response Notification Template. See the tutorial titled, “Create a Survey Response Notification Template”


  1. Click on the features edit icon on the Site Administration Menu.


  1. Check the Surveys box on the Features Management page


  1. Select the Auto Broadcast template you created in the earlier steps.


The Auto Broadcast message is delivered when a visitor submits a survey questionnaire if the feature is turned on in Survey Features Management. Variable Data from the specific event is inserted into the template and delivered to the submitter for the purpose of confirming the submission.


  1. Select the Response Notification template you created in the earlier steps.


The Response Notification message is delivered when a visitor submits a survey questionnaire. Variable Data from the specific survey is inserted into the template and delivered to the recipient designated in the  field on the Survey Management page for the specific survey.


  1. Click on Save button.