PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
Define, Create and Update Membership Types

Define, Create and Update Membership Types.


  1. Read chapter of Administrator Manual titled “Membership Features in Detail”.

  2. Read tutorial titled “Administering Items Management Page for Membership Fees”.


  1. Read tutorial titled “Administer Membership Fees Feature” and be sure that procedure has been completed on your website.


  1. Click on Membership Types browse icon on Site Administration Menu page.


  1. Use search to locate the Membership Type record you wish to update or click on the Add New button to create a new Membership Types.


  1. Enter Title to be displayed for the Membership Type.  It is displayed as a link on the Membership Types page which lists all the Membership Types offered by your organization.


  1. Enter the description to be displayed in the Membership Type page which lists all the Membership Types offered by your organization and the Membership page which displays the details about the Membership Type.  It is used to describe the features and benefits of the Membership Type.


  1. Enter the Sort Order.


  1. If applicable, select a brochure to be included as a link on the Membership page.


  1. If applicable, select an agreement document to be included as a link on the Membership page.


  1. Select and Acceptance Type.  Applies to the membership agreement.   


    1. Select Not Required (default) when you do not require the member to acknowledge acceptance of a membership agreement.
    2. Select Online when you require the member to acknowledge acceptance and to enable this online as Yes/No option.
    3. Select Signature when you require the member to acknowledge acceptance and require a handwritten signature.  This option requires the applicant to print the Membership Agreement and mail a signed copy to your organization.


  1. Enter Acceptance Notes  to provide the visitor instructions which are displayed on the Membership Agreement Acceptance page.


  1. Indicate whether an application is required.


  1. Save Membership Type.


  1.  Select an application form. See tutorial title “Create a Membership Application”


  1. Indicate whether approval is required. When set to Yes, the membership applicant must be approved for membership.  When set to No, the membership Approval Status is automatically set to Approved.


  1. Select the Group that is responsible for evaluating and approving memberships.


  1.  Select Yes or No for Pay Required to Activate. Select Yes to require that payment be received prior to activating the new member’s membership.


  1. Select Yes or No for Allow online cancellation. Select Yes to allow members to cancel their membership online.


  1. Select a Membership-By criteria.


    1. Individual - select when the Membership Type is for individuals only.
    2. Company: select when the Membership Type is for companies (Organizations) only.
    3. Both - select when the Membership Type can be joined by both individuals and companies.


  1. Create  Quick Registration Forms for membership type. See tutorial titled “Build a Quick Registration Page”


  1. If applicable, Select a Quick Registration page to be the Individual Signup Form.


  1. If applicable, select a Quick Registration page to be the Company Signup Form.


  1. Enter the name and contact information of the individual, department, or group within your organization that visitors may contact for additional information about the Membership Type.  This information is displayed on the Membership details page.


  1. Select the Pre-Approved Group which the member is assigned to upon submission of his/her membership application. 


  1. Select the Approved Group which the member is assigned to upon approval of his/her membership.


  1. Select the Expired Group which the member is assigned to when his/her membership renewal has lapsed.  Used to assign access rights to the resources and features within your organization’s PORTALPRODIGY website.


  1. Select a Reporting Class.


  1. Enter the name and contact information of the contact that members are to make their payments payable to. 


  1. Select an initial payment term. (Payment Terms are maintained in Feature Management)


  1. Select a recurring term to assign the members payment terms for payment of recurring dues and renewal fees.    


  1. Enter number of Days to Bill Before Due to instruct system when invoices are created and broadcast. 


  1. Indicate whether system should prorate initiation fees.


    1. Set to Yes to prorate the Initiation Fee amount for the remainder of the period. 
    2. When set to No, it will charge the full Initiation Fee Amount.


  1. Indicate whether system should prorate recurring fees.


    1.  Set to Yes to prorate the selected Recurring Fee amount for the remainder of the current period. 
    2. When set to No, it will charge the full Recurring Fee Amount for the current period.


  1. Enter the number of days from the Dues Anniversary date that the member’s recurring fees are protected from being increased (Lock Days Recurring).


  1. Enter the number of days from Dues Anniversary date that the member’s renewal fees are protected from being increased (Lock Days Renewal Fee).


  1. Select Dues Anniversary option.  


    1. Signup Date: when this option is selected the Anniversary Date shall be set to the date the member completes the Membership Signup form.
    2. Approval Date: when this option is selected the Anniversary Date shall be set to the date the date that the membership is approved.
    3. Specified Anniversary Date - when this option is selected, the Anniversary Date must be entered in each Members’ Membership record.


  1. Enter the average number of days it takes to process a membership for approval (Days To Approve).


  1. Select accepted payment methods.


    1. Pay Online: check to offer the Payment Type as a choice during online payment entry.
    2. Pay By Mail: check to offer the Payment Type as a choice when Pay By Mail is selected.  PORTALPRODIGY will print this Payment Type on the invoice.
    3. Pay On-Account: check to allow the Payment Type as choice when payment is being entered for invoices charged on account (given terms).


  1. Create the following Broadcast Templates with object type set to “Membership”


    1. WelcomeKit Template: used to specify an email that is automatically sent to each new member upon completion of signup process.
    2. Renewal Template: used to specify an email that is automatically sent to notify members whose membership is due for renewal.
    3. Inactivity Template: used to specify an email template that is automatically sent to members that do not log into the website for a specified length of time.  Helps promote involvement and more active membership.  
    4. Rejection Template: used to specify an email that is automatically sent to member applicants whose membership application has been rejected.


  1. Enter descriptor and amount for initiation fee. Edit fee parameters by clicking on edit icon which links to Items Management page. (IMPORTANT NOTE: due to Internet limitations it is necessary to save the Member Type record so that the screen refreshes with current setup data.) Review tutorial titled “Administering Items Management Page for Membership Fees” to learn how to configure custom fee situations.


  1. Enter descriptor and amount for renewal fee. Edit fee parameters by clicking on edit icon which links to Items Management page. (IMPORTANT NOTE: due to Internet limitations it is necessary to save the Member Type record so that the screen refreshes with current setup data.) Review tutorial titled “Administering Items Management Page for Membership Fees” to learn how to configure custom fee situations.


  1. Enter recurring fees.- used to define one or more recurring fee options for the membership.


  1. Enter other fees - used to define one or more optional one time fees. 


  1. If desirable, enter an Expires Date. CAUTION: When a date is entered, the membership will no longer be available in the Public Interface after the expiration date.