PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
Create a Membership Application

Create a Membership Application


  1. Read chapter of Administration Manual titled “Membership Features in Detail”.


  1. Read chapter of Administration Manual titled “Surveys Feature in Detail”

  2. Read the tutorial titled “Define, Create and Update Membership Types”


  1. Click on Membership Types browse icon on Site Administration Menu page.


  1. Use search to locate the Membership Type record for which you wish to create an application.


  1. Click the browse icon for Application located in the Membership Approval tab section of the page.


  1. Search for an application or click the Add New button to create a new application.


  1. Enter Application Title


  1. Enter Description to provide an explanation and instructions displayed at the top of the application form.


  1. Set Allow Repetitive to Yes


  1. Create an Application Notification Email Broadcast Template for use in next step.


  1. Select a Response Notification Email which will be sent to an Application Administrator each time a Membership Application is submitted. 


  1. Enter the email address of the applicable Administrator or leave blank if notification is not desired. 


  1. Enter as many questions as desired. (See tutorial title “Create a Survey” for details related to adding questions. Suggestions:


    1. Years in business?
    2. Select your areas of interest:
    3. Would you like to be contacted to serve on a committee?
    4. Number of employees?
    5. Social Security Number:
    6. Describe your community service history:


  1. Question ID: assigned automatically by PORTALPRODIGY when the question is saved.
  2. Set Activeto “Yes” so the record is active and available for use.  To deactivate a record, set it to “No”.


  1. If applicaple enter ChapterID - This value is only applicable if you are using the PORTALPRODIGY Site Synchronization feature.  It is used to specify the Chapter that has primary ownership of the record.  For further information see the Administration Manual chapter on Site Synchronization.


  1. Set Topic “None”


  1. Set Private to “No”, making the application publicly available to all visitors of your site. 


  1. Click the Save button.