Create a Universal Automated Survey Announcement Email
- Read the chapter titled “Broadcasting Features in Detail”
in the Administration Manual.
- Click on the Broadcasting add button on the Site
Administration Menu.
- Select Type = Email
- Enter sender’s email address. Examples: NOTE: be
sure return address is set up on your mail server.
- Enter subject such as “Please take our survey
YourOrganizationName”. Text entered into the Subject field becomes the
template’s label and the text entered into this field will be inserted
into the Subject field of the email(s).
- Select a body format as TXT
- Select Object Type=Survey
- Type or copy and paste the following into message field:
Dear <%CONTACT:FirstName%> <%
Please take our survey by clicking on the link below:
- Click on the Recipients button and enter criteria to
select recipients. Recipients can be selected by Contact Type, Special
Interest Group, or Security Group. Selecting down a column affects an “OR”
search while selecting across columns affects an “AND” search.
- Click the Save button