PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
Create an Email Template

Create an Email Broadcast Template


  1. DO NOT SPAM! Spamming is a serious offence and spammers have been jailed. Review the federal law and laws in your state before sending bulk email. Do not broadcast sales or solicitation messages to individuals from whom you do not have permission.  Spamming can result in the blocking of your domain and email addresses by the major Internet networks.


  1. Read the chapter titled “Broadcasting Features in Detail” in the Administration Manual.


  1. Click on the Broadcasting add button on the Site Administration Menu.


  1. Select Type = Email


  1. Enter sender’s email address. Examples: events@yourdomain.com, news@yourdomain.com, board@yourdomain.com, etc.  NOTE: be sure return address is set up on your mail server.


  1. Enter subject. Text entered into the Subject field becomes the template’s label and the text entered into this field will be inserted into the Subject field of the email(s).


  1. Select a body format. Selecting the TXT radio button sets the template for text message. Selecting the HTML radio button sets the template for HTML message and activates the Edit HTML Page and Upload HTML Page links.


  1. If HTML format is selected, upload an HTML file from your computer or network by clicking on Upload HTML Page link. Use HTML editor is desired to modify message.


  1.  If TXT format is selected type your message into Message field or copy and paste message from a TEXT ONLY source such as Note Pad.


  1. Select appropriate Object Type.


  1. Using variable list from available tags table, enter Merge Variables into message where desired.


  1. Include attachments as desired by browsing, selecting and clicking open OR Click on lookup icon and select document from Document Library. NOTE: when loading attachments from computer or network, some browsers require that you save the template before the attachment is displayed in the list.


  1. Click on the Recipients button and enter criteria to select recipients. Recipients can be selected by Contact Type, Special Interest Group, or Security Group. Selecting down a column affects an “OR” search while selecting across columns affects an “AND” search.


NOTE: If the broadcast template is meant to be used when called by a feature then the feature will determine recipients and there is no need to enter recipient criteria.


  1. Click the Save button