PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
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Create a Tools, Equipment and Parts Exchange


Allow members and other permitted users to post Tools, Equipment and Parts then receive inquiries. Visitors can browse or search the listings.



  1. Read the chapter titled “Exchanges Feature in Detail” in the Administration Manual.

  2. Verify that the Exchanges Feature is activated. See tutorial called “Activate the Exchanges Feature”.


  1. Create an Exchange Notification Broadcast Template. See tutorial called “Create an Exchange Notification Email”


  1. Click the Exchange add icon on the Site Administration Menu.


  1. On the Exchange Management page enter the name of the exchange into the Exchange Name field.


  1. Enter the maximum number of free listings a single user may have active at one time in the exchange. If an amount greater than zero is entered in the New Listing Fee field then visitors will be presented with a payment form when they exceed the maximum free listing quantity. If the amount in the New Listing Fee is zero, then the visitor will not be allowed to enter more listings than the Maximum Free Listings quantity.


  1. Enter into the Expire Days field the number of days when a listed item will no longer appear on the exchange’s items lists.


  1. Enter into the New Listing Fee field, the price to be charged per listing.


  1. Enter into the Renewal Listing Fee field the price to be charged for a renewal of a listing.


  1. Set the Pay Online field to Yes, if visitors will be able to pay for listings using there credit card online.


  1. Set the Pay By Mail field to Yes, if visitors will be able to select pay buy check.


  1. Set the Taxable field to Yes, if the contact adding the exchange listing will be charged sales tax on the Exchange Fee. (The applicable tax rate is based on the customer’s ship to address.)


  1. Select a Menu if a menu to be displayed as part of the Exchange pages in the visitor portion of the site.  Menus are defined using Menu Builder.  The Menu Type must be set to Exchange Listing Menu.  Note that the menu’s location on the page and its style may vary for each template.  Typically the menu is displayed on the left side of the page.


  1. Select the Notification Email you created in earlier step. The template selected in this field will be broadcast each time an item is added to the exchange.


  1. Enter, into the Exchange Fields Section Label field, a descriptor that will appear in the top section of each listing record for the exchange.


  1. Select and indicate sort order for desired exchange fields to show on add, search and view visitor exchange pages. Some labels fill in by default (our demonstration exchange is a job posting exchange we created for a personnel association so we keep those as defaults) but they may be changed. This is a complex procedure and we suggest that you print a copy of the section titled “Exchange Management Page” in the chapter titled “Exchange Features in Detail” of the Administrator Manual.


    1. Add column – Enter number to indicate sort order and to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s Add New Listing form. 
    2. Require column – checking this causes the Add New Listing form and the Update Listing form to require the user to supply a value in this field.
    3. Search column – Enter number to indicate sort order and to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s Search Listing form. 
    4. Matches column – Enter number to indicate sort order and to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s Matches grid. 

e.       View column – Enter number to indicate sort order and to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s View Listing forms.


Speaker & Trainer Exchanges generally include the following Fields and Settings:


Add    Require Search  Matches   View  Label                               Data Type

1       X          1          1             1       Name of Item                   100 Character Text

2                   2          2             2       Price                                $ Amount

3                   3                         3       Description                       Memo

4                                              4       Special Instructions           Memo

5                   5          5             5       Category                          listbox

6       X                                     6       Image                              Image

7                                              7       Image 2                           Image

X       X          X          X             X       Contact                            Contact Person

X                   X                         X       Company Name                Company Name

X       X                                     X       Phone                              Phone Number

X       X                                     X       Email                               Email Address

X       O                                     X       Limit to Members?             Yes/No Listbox

X       O                      X             X       Reference ID                    Number

X       O                                     X       Posted Date                      Posted Date

X       O          X          X             X       Last Update Date              Date

X       O                                     x        Expires Date                     Date




  1. Select and indicate sort order for desired contact fields to show on add, search and view visitor exchange pages


  1. Check the desired columns in the Listing Information tab section.


    1. Add column – Check to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s Add New Listing form. 
    2. Search column – Check to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s Search Listing form. 
    3. Matches column – Check to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s Matches grid. 

d.      View column – Check to activate the field and displays it on the Exchange’s View Listing forms.

e.       Limit To Members Only – includes list box to select whether the listing should be accessible for all visitors or Members Only.

f.       Reference ID – displays the record ID assigned by PORTALPRODIGY.

g.      Posted Date – displays the date the listing was added.

h.      Last Update Date – displays the date the listing was last modified.

i.        Expires Date – displays the date the listing expires.


  1. Enter appropriate data into the Add Listing Page Options


Add Page Title:  Add Listing Entry for Tools, Equipment and Parts Exchange


Instructions: Fill in the fields below and click on the Submit bottom at the bottom of this window to submit your Tools, Equipment or Part.


Verification Title: Listing Submission Verified


Verification Instructions:  Thank you for submitting your item.  It will be displayed as shown below.  To revise your Listing, click on the Revise button at the bottom of the page.



    1. Page Title – enter a title for the visitor page.
    2. Instructions – enter instructions to be displayed below the Page Title.  Instructions may be entered as plain text or HTML.  The HTML Editor feature may be used to create and edit the Instructions as HTML.
    3. Verification Title - enter a title for the verification page.
    4. Verification Instructions - enter instructions to be displayed below the Verification Page Title
    5. Return to Page – indicate which page or URL to display when the Add Listing Page is closed.  Click on the edit icon to input a link.


  1. Enter appropriate data into the Update Listing Page Options


Update Listing Page Title:  Update Entry for Tools, Equipment or Part Listing


Instructions: Fill in the fields below and click on the Submit bottom at the bottom of this window to revise your listing.


Verification Title: Submission Verified


Verification Instructions:  Thank you for your submission.  It will be displayed as shown below.  To revise your Listing, click on the Revise button at the bottom of the page.


  1. Enter appropriate data into the Search Listing Page Options


Search Listing Page Title:  Search for Tools, Equipment or Parts



Instructions: You may search on any combination of fields. Fields marked with a * allow a phrase or multiple words such as first and last name. To view all listings, press Search without entering any criteria. In the Keyword search field only, you may use the words "AND" or "OR" within your criteria. The use of " And " will narrow the scope of your search, whereas the use of " Or " will broaden the scope of your search.


  1. Enter appropriate data into the View Listing Page Options


View Listing Page Title:  View Entry for Tools, Equipment and Part



Instructions: To contact the listor speaker about this listing, click on the Reply button at the bottom of the page.



  1. Set the Active Field to Yes


  1. Set the Chapter ID if your site uses multi site synchronization


  1. Select Privacy settings


Suggested Settings


View Listing





Add & Update Listing





    1. View Listing – Members of the security groups checked here will be able to view listings but not necessarily update and delete listings.
    2. Add & Update Listing – Members of the security groups checked here will be able to view their listings and update and delete their listings.


  1. Click on Save button