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Error Management and Logging
Error Management and Logging

Nothing is more frustrating than getting a cryptic error message with no solution and no recovery options. Unfortunately errors do occur and when they do, PortalProdigy provides a user friendly experience aimed at resolving the problem and allowing the user to continue using your website. The user experience includes a simple explanation of the error along with the error details, suggested solution, help desk contact information, an option to email the error information to the help desk, and a recovery option that can usually take the user back to the page before the error occurred. Errors are also automatically logged in a log file that is accessible to your PortalProdigy website administrator. Please note that some errors may fallout outside the scope of PortalProdigy’s error management system such as errors generated by the user’s computer or browser.

Error Management and Logging features and benefits include:

  • User friendly error messages.
  • Provides simple explanation of error.
  • Provides suggested solution.
  • Provides error details including Error Code, Error Description, Program Object or Module, Program Line, URL of page where error occurred, User ID, and Date and Time.
  • Provides Help Desk Contact Information.Provides option to send email to Help Desk. Automatically sends error details.
  • Automatic logging of error details in error log.
  • Error log is stored externally to database so it can include database errors. Error log is formatted as XML.
  • Provides recovery option to return user to website.
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