URI 2005 Search For Events Help Page
Home Icon
Home icon button is used to return you back to your home page.
Main Menu Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Main Menu button is used to take you to the sites Administrators Main Menu.
Dashboard Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Dashboard button is used to take you to your personalized dashboard.
PortalProdigy Click Here To Go To The Portal Prodigy Website
Portal Prodigy button is used to take you to Portal Prodigy website.
Help Icon
Help icon button is how you got here. This button is on every page of the administration.
This is where we mark what version of Portal Prodigy you are running. Please note that this is also the version used to create this help page. If the version you are running is newer or older there maybe differences in layout and options.
Your Organization
You can setup here to display your company name. To do this, go to Site Settings Defaults and fill out Admin Page Title.
Main Administration Menu
This pulldown menu displays the currently selected side bar menu. There are four default side bar menus in Portal Prodigy. They are:

Main Administration Menu
Configuration Menu
Import / Export Menu
Utilities Menu
Contacts side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that has to do with Contacts such as view edit contact information, view contact requests, or send them an email. When you click on Contacts it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Companies' side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Companies such as add new company, or edit company feature settings. When you click on Companies it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Orders side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Orders such as view edit orders, fulfill orders, or add a new work order. When you click on Orders it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Billing side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Billing such as view invoices, or print statements. When you click on Billing it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Payments side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Payments such as enter a new payment, or review en existing one. When you click on Payments it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Products side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Products such as add a new product, adjust the inventory, or build a product catalog. When you click on Products it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Marketing side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Marketing such as build an ad, a newsletter, or send out a press release. When you click on Marketing it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Documents side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Documents such as enter a new document, view edit existing one, or categorize them into custom categories. When you click on documents it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Reports side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Reports such as view and print reports, or add a new type report. When you click on reports it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Dashboard side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with Dashboard such as view or customize it. When you click on dashboard it will expand to show you all the submenus.
11.Other features
Other Features is packed up with all the features that we couldn't categorize. If you are looking for something that doesn't meet the criteria this is a good place to check. When you click on other features it will expand to show you all the submenus.
a.Directories Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Directories Feature provides the ability to create contact directories which are presented on the Visitor pages of the website. Directories may be Member Type, Special Interest Group or Security Type specific, displaying only contact records designated within the indicated group. Individual directory access may be constricted to visitors with specified security permissions. Directories display only information specified in their administrative setup. When a visitor clicks on a specific directory listing he is presented with a detailed profile assembled from the corresponding contact record.
b.Discussions Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Discussions Feature provides the ability to create Discussion Forums which are presented on the Visitor pages of the website. Discussion Forums provide visitors the ability to interact with each other by submitting typed commentary which is displayed on the website and to also respond to comments already displayed on the website whether put there by Administration or a Visitor. Discussion Forums may be Member Type, Special Interest Group or Security Type specific allowing only those visitors with appropriate security permission to reply and/or create new discussion topics.
c.Donations Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Using Donations Feature permutes Administrators to configure the Portal Prodigy Donations feature component. When a donation is submitted, an Order record and a Payment record are created. Permitted Administrator use Order Management to manage and process Donation Orders. Depending on the payment options configured in Payment Features Management, permitted users use Payments and Payments Authorization pages to process donation payments.
d.Events Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Events Feature provides the ability to furnish visitors with an event calendar. Event brochures, registration forms, maps, etc. can be imported from any Administrator's computer into the Events Feature of the organization's website. Event details, contact information, registration limits, seating inventory, pricing and payment options can all be added, updated, tracked and reported. Visitors can register and pay online using credit cards or other payment options. Attendance lists and badges can be printed locally on the Administrator's remote computer, related email broadcasts can be scheduled and sent and, if desirable, a view current registrant's link can be available to visitors.
e.Exchanges Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Exchanges Feature provides the ability to create administration and/or visitor operated exchanges. Ideal for creating member, staff or constituent operated resume and job posting boards, auctions, barter markets, vendor sponsor catalogs, trainer or speakers bureaus, and other visitor operated organization sponsored bazaars or markets. Administrators can define an unlimited number of exchanges which can be public or private. Visitors can be provided access to the exchanges free of charge or on a fee paid basis. Payment for participation can be accepted online using credit cards or other payment options. The Exchanges Feature differs from the Items/Products Feature in that it fosters commerce or exchange between a defined group of visitors such as members and does not provide for order placement, invoicing or payment between those parties.
f.LRCA Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Legislative and Regulatory Calls to Action Feature provides the ability to rapidly mobilize constituents into a focused force. The organization can use LRCA to broadcast Calls to Action messages via email to specified individuals, contact types or interest groups stored in the Contact Database. The messages include a hyperlink which message recipients can click, bringing them to the website's issue position and education page. From there, respondents can learn more about the issue and choose to respond to their legislative, regulatory, judicial or executive branch representative as predetermined by an Administration setup function. Each LRCA project can include suggested response messages to aid respondents in developing their own message. Respondents type their message into the website LRCA response form as well as their postal zip code. Portal Prodigy uses their zip code entry to determine the respondent's correct legislative, regulatory, judicial or executive branch representative and sends their message.
g.Membership Types Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Membership Types Feature provides a highly flexible system for offering, promoting, signingup and managing members online. Be careful not to confine your interpretation of this feature only to "memberships" as in a club or association. Instead, think of members as a specifically privileged group. Membership Types can be assigned to all kinds of groups such as employees, specific department staff, managers, contributors, parishioners, reporters and journalists, constituents, vendors, customers, prospects, etc. Using Membership Types your organization can automate the process of granting access to various site features and content. The Membership Feature is highly flexible. It allows you to create customized signup forms and application forms; memberships can be offered for free or they can require fees including signup fees, recurring dues, and other charges; you can require approval; you can require contractual acceptance by member applicant; and you can completely control the access privileges. The Memberships Feature also automates all aspects of membership billing and payment processing.
h.News Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The News Feature provides a rapid entry interface used by Administration to enter news items. Headlines are displayed on the homepage where visitor can click on individual items of interest to view the detailed news record. News items can be configured to expire on a specific date or displayed indefinitely.
i.Request Types Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Request Types Feature provides a complete request management system for capturing, processing and managing a variety of interactions including general information requests, warranty claims, maintenance service requests, maintenance and support contracts, product information requests, project requests, requests for quotes, consulting requests, training requests, resource requests, research requests, event planning, questions and assistance with problems and more. Seamlessly integrates with Work Orders, Service Contracts, and Tasks Management features.
j.Survey Types Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
The Surveys Feature provides a facility for conducting surveys online. Administrative Visitors can create an unlimited number of surveys with an unlimited number of questions with multiple choice, true/false, rating or text answer formats. Survey notices can be automatically broadcast to specified individuals, contact types or interest groups via email. Message recipients can click on a link bringing them to the corresponding website survey page where they answer questions and submit their results.
12.Site Settings
Site Settings side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with the entire Site. You can setup the site's defaults and security settings here. When you click on the site settings it will expand to show you all the submenus.
13.Web Pages
Web Pages side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate sites dedicated pages such as home page, about us, and contact is page. You can also view and manage every other type of web page you have added to the site here. When you click on other web pages it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Tools site bar menu gives you quick access to every builder type tools. You will find here your menu builder, table builder, play list builder, picture gallery builder, etc. When you click on the tools it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Utilities side bar menu allows you to quickly administrate functions that have to do with database utilities such as archive, reindex, import, and export. When you click on utilities it will expand to show you all the submenus.
Shortcut Box 1
This is a shortcut box for the side bar menu. Each section on the side bar is numbered and each item is lettered. Entering a number with a letter corresponding to the item you want followed by enter will take you directly there. This section is really for someone who is very familiar with Portal Prodigy and has memorized the interface.
Search Criteria
This Search Criteria allows you to search by none, one, by multiple or, by all filters to best filter you results.
Custom Fields Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Custom Fields takes you to Custom Fields Manager where you can create custom fields. Custom fields can be added to the Event page in Event Management. They are used to add addition information to the Event page. The title of each field will be displayed as a label. The information provided under the label you can define in the Event Management page when you add the Custom Field to an Event.
Event ID
Event ID searches the record by ID assigned to an Event. This ID search must be exact to get results. For example, entering 1 will find only record ID 1 and 11 or 111 will not be found.
Event Title
Event Title searches by the Events Title Name. You may also enter partial name to get larger results. For example, "Event" you may enter "ev" and Portal Prodigy will display all the event titles that have names that start with "ev". You are not limited to how many letters you are going to use, the more letters you use the more refined results you will get. Portal Prodigy searches for the names from begging of the first word, so entering "nt" will not bring up "Event" result. This search criteria is not case sensitive.
Event Date Range From
Event Date Range, here you can enter the date range for up to how new records you would like to see. For example if you were to enter todays date, only the events that were set to run today will be found and all the older events will be filtered out. The date range will include the date you specify. Our date entering format is "MM/DD/YYYY".
Event Date Range From Calender
This Calendar icon will bring up the calendar window where can simply select the date you want. You can use the list boxes to select the month and the year, and then click on the date to accept it.

Event Date Range To
Event Date Range, here you can enter the date range for up to how old records you would like to see. For example if you were to enter yesterday's date, only the events that were set to run yesterday and older will be found and all the newer events will be filtered out. The date range will include the date you specify. Our date entering format is "MM/DD/YYYY".
Event Date Range To Calender
This Calendar icon will bring up the calendar window where can simply select the date you want. You can use the list boxes to select the month and the year, and then click on the date to accept it.

Location Name
Location Name searches by the Events Location Name entered in the event. You may also enter partial name to get larger results. For example, "City Hall" you may enter "ci" and Portal Prodigy will display all the events locations that have names that start with "ci". You are not limited to how many letters you are going to use, the more letters you use the more refined results you will get. Portal Prodigy searches for the names from begging of the first word, so entering "hal" will not bring up "City Hall" result. This search criteria is not case sensitive.
Location State/Province
Location State/Province filters your results by the locations state, province defined in the event. Only the states and provinces for the Countries that are turned on in the Countries Management are listed in this list box. "All" is the default that displays all the location.
Location City
Location City searches by the Events Location City entered in the event. You may also enter partial city name to get larger results. For example, "Miami" you may enter "mi" and Portal Prodigy will display all the events cities that have names that start with "mi". You are not limited to how many letters you are going to use, the more letters you use the more refined results you will get. Portal Prodigy searches for the city names from begging of the first word, so entering "ami" will not bring up "Miami" result. This search criteria is not case sensitive.
Instructor filter your results by the events Instructor defined in the event. Instructor is a contact type that is assigned to a contact in Contact Management. Only the contacts that are set to Instructor will be listed in this list box. "All" is the default that displays all the events with or without Instructor.
Custom Fields List Box
Custom Fields List Box allow you to search by the custom fields used in the event. All the fields that have been created in the Custom Fields Manager will be listed in this list box.
Custom Fields Text Box
Custom Fields Text Box allow you to search by the value set for the custom fields in the event. You do not have to select a custom field to use this box. Leaving the Custom Fields list box blank will search all the custom fields used in all the events. You may also enter partial value to get larger results. For example, "Event" you may enter "ev" or "nt" or "ven" and Portal Prodigy will display all the event custom fields' values that contain any of these combination of letters. You are not limited to how many letters you are going to use, the more letters you use the more refined results you will get. Portal Prodigy searches for the custom fields values in any part of all the words used. This search criteria is not case sensitive.
Date Created From
Date Created, here you can enter the date range for up to how new records you would like to see. For example if you were to enter todays date, only the records created today will be found and all the older records will be filtered out. The date range will include the date you specify. Our date entering format is "MM/DD/YYYY".
Date Created From Calender
This Calendar icon will bring up the calendar window where can simply select the date you want. You can use the list boxes to select the month and the year, and then click on the date to accept it.

Date Created To
Date Created, here you can enter the date range for up to how old records you would like to see. For example if you were to enter yesterday's date, only the records created yesterday and older will be found and all the newer records will be filtered out. The date range will include the date you specify. Our date entering format is "MM/DD/YYYY".
Date Created To
This Calendar icon will bring up the calendar window where can simply select the date you want. You can use the list boxes to select the month and the year, and then click on the date to accept it.

Date Modified From
Date Modified, here you can enter the date range for up to how new records you would like to see. For example if you were to enter todays date, only the records last modified today will be found and all the older records will be filtered out. The date range will include the date you specify. Our date entering format is "MM/DD/YYYY".
Date Modified From Calender
This Calendar icon will bring up the calendar window where can simply select the date you want. You can use the list boxes to select the month and the year, and then click on the date to accept it.

Date Modified To
Date Modified, here you can enter the date range for up to how old records you would like to see. For example if you were to enter yesterday's date, only the records last modified yesterday and older will be found and all the newer records will be filtered out. The date range will include the date you specify. Our date entering format is "MM/DD/YYYY".
Date Modified To Calender
This Calendar icon will bring up the calendar window where can simply select the date you want. You can use the list boxes to select the month and the year, and then click on the date to accept it.

Items Per Page
Items per Page allow you to control how many items will be displayed on per page basis. The default value is 10 which will display up to 10 items per page. You may enter a greater value but, please note that entering a very big value will take a much longer time to display results and or, may cause your search request to crash if there is a lot of data to process.
The Search button allows you to submit your search request. You may click it at any time with or without filtered criteria. Search is a hotkey that can be accessed by "Ctrl+Alt+S".
Found Events
Found Events is initially not displayed when you first come to this page. You have to click search for this dialog to appear.
Total Pages
This section displays the number of pages found in your search request. When there are multiple pages and you are not on the first page you will see here navigation controls. The first button will take you back to the first page and the second button will take you back to the previous page.
Total Matches
This section displays the number of matches found in your search request. When there are multiple pages you will see here navigation controls. The first button will take you to the next page and the second button will take you to the last page.
ID Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
ID column displays the event ID. This number is a hyperlink that you can click on to open it in editing mode.
Event Title Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Event Title column displays the name of the event. This name is a hyperlink that you can click on to open it in editing mode. This is also the primary column for sorting results. Results will be sorted alphabetically by the Event Title.
Action Date
Action Date column displays events start date.
Location column displays events location.
Instructor column displays the first and last name of the Instructor defined for the event.
Registrants' column displays the amount of Registrants registered for the event.
Add New Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Add New will take you to the Event Management page where you can create a new event. Add New is a hotkey that can be accessed by "Ctrl+Alt+A".
Clear button will clear all the search results and set all the criteria filters back to default to perform and brand new search. Clear is a hotkey that can be accessed by "Ctrl+Alt+C".
Print button will bring up browser print dialog to print currently displayed page to the user's local printer. Print is a hotkey that can be accessed by "Ctrl+ Alt+P".

Main Menu Click Here To See Help Page on This Topic
Main Menu button is used to take you to the sites Administrators Main Menu.
2000-2006 Portal Prodigy Inc Click Here To Go To The Portal Prodigy Website
Opens up a new window to Portal Prodigy home page.
Takes you to your home page.
Takes you to your contacts page.
Takes you to your about us page.
Takes you to your sitemap page.
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