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Legislative & Regulatory Calls to Action (LRCA) Feature in Detail
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Identifying LRCA Contacts

Review the chapter titled Contacts, Members, Vendors & Companies Feature in Detail to learn about loading contact records.


An LRCA Contact is one which may receive responses to Calls to Action. Generally these are legislators, judges, regulators and government executives. LRCA Contacts are a specific Member Type of contact. Any contact record can be designated as an LRCA contact by clicking the LRCA Box on the specific contact’s Member and Contact Management page.


In addition to checking the LRCA Box, the Administrator must click on the LRCA link next to the LRCA Box in order to access the Member LRCA Type Management page.


The values should be selected to best describe the Contact’s area of responsibility


  • Level – The Level criteria relates to the level of government of the LRCA contact.


o       Local – Mayors, Municipal Judges and Town Councils would be considered Local Level Contacts.


o       County – Sheriffs, County Supervisors would be considered County Level Contacts.


o       State – State Senators & Assemblymen, Governors and State Treasurers would be considered State Level Contacts.


o       Federal – US Senators, the President, and Chief Justices would be considered Federal Level Contacts.


  • Branch – The Branch criteria relates to the branch of government of the LRCA contact.


o       Administrative –  The President, Governors, Treasurers, Cabinet Members and staff, Mayor, etc. would be considered Administrative Branch contacts


o       Legislative – Congressmen, Assemblymen, Freeholders, etc would be considered Legislative Branch contacts.


o       Judicial – Judges and Magistrates would be considered Judicial Branch contacts.


o       Regulatory – Building Inspectors, Heads of Regulatory Agencies, Regulators, etc would be considered Regulatory Branch contacts.


  • Geography – The Geography criteria relates to the geographic responsibility area of the LRCA Contacts.


o       States – Indicates a contact is responsible to a specific State.


o       By County - Indicates a contact is responsible to a specific County or one of its municipalities.


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