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Table Builder Feature in Detail
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Topic Management:

Topics can be used to organize Items in the Table.  Note that it is not necessary to create Topics.


  • Topic – enter the name of the Topic
  • Sort Order – enter the sort order for the Topic on the Table Page. 
  • Active – by default this value is set to “Yes”, which means the record is active and available for use.  To deactivate a record, set it to “No”.   Deactivating a record is a logical form of deletion.  It is used to remove the record from future use, yet maintain the relationship with existing data.  Reports by default only include active records; however, there is a reporting option that allows inclusion of deactivated records.

Saves the Topic.

Deletes Topic record.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to confirm deletion of the record.  Select OK to confirm the deletion or CANCEL to abort the deletion.

Print the current page (contents of your browser window) according to your browser’s print settings. 

Close the page discarding all entries and edits.

Close the page and save changes.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to save changes.  OK response saves changes, closes page, and returns to previous page.  CANCEL response discards all entries and edits (same as Cancel button).


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