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Membership Features in Detail
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Application Management page:

Note that Application Management uses the Survey Engine.  Except for the page title the pages and options are the same in Application Management as in Survey Management.

  • Application Title - used to assign a name for identifying the application.
  • Description: used to provide an explanation and instructions displayed at the top of the application form.
  • Allow Repetitive: for applications leave this set to the default value Yes.  When building surveys in Survey Management this option controls whether the respondent is allowed to take the survey more than once.
  • Response Notification Email: used to send an email to an Application Administrator each time a Membership Application is submitted.  Enter the email address of the applicable Administrator or leave blank if notification is not desired. 

  • Question: enter the question to be displayed on the form. The following are example questions:
    • Years in business?
    • Select your areas of interest:
    • Would you like to be contacted to serve on a committee?
    • Number of employees?
    • Social Security Number:
    • Describe your community service history:
  • Question ID: assigned automatically by PORTALPRODIGY when the question is saved.
  • Question Type: defines the type of response required for the question.  Select from one of following options:
    • Choice: select to provide two or more choices.  Select this option for Yes/No, True/False, and multiple choice questions.
    • Text: select to require limited textual input.  This option causes a text box to be displayed on the form.  Select this option when collecting data such as a Social Security Number.
    • Memo: select to require unlimited textual input.  This option causes a memo input control to be displayed on the form.  Select this option when collecting narrative data such as Community Service History.
  • Maximum Answers - applies only when Choice is selected as the Question Type.  Determines the number of answers that can be selected for multiple choice questions.  Defaults to 1.  Yes/No and True/False questions should be set to 1.  Setting to 1 displays the choices as radio buttons on the form.  When set to 2 or more, it displayed the choices as checkboxes on the form.
  • Order # - controls the order of the question on the form.  Enter integer values only.
  • Choices - applies only when Choice is selected as the Question Type.  Used to enter the applicable choices.  Choices may be entered as single words or phrases.  Enter a single choice per row (line).  Use the Enter key to terminate a row and move to the next row (line).

  • Created By - the name of the user that created the record and the date it was created.  Lists user’s first name followed by last name.
  • Modified By - the name of the user that last modified the record and the date it was last modified.  Lists user’s first name followed by last name.
  • Active: by default this value is set to “Yes”, which means the record is active and available for use.  To deactivate a record, set it to “No”.   Deactivating a record is a logical form of deletion.  It is used to remove the record from future use, yet maintain the relationship with existing data.  Reports by default only include active records; however, there is a reporting option that allows inclusion of deactivated records.
  • ChapterID - This value is only applicable if you are using the PORTALPRODIGY Site Synchronization feature.  It is used to specify the Chapter that has primary ownership of the record.  For further information see the chapter on Site Synchronization.
  • Topic - by default this value is set to “None”, meaning the application or survey is not assigned to a Topic.  To assign it to a Topic, select one using the list box.  Topics are used to breakdown the display of applications or surveys within Categories.  Topics are defined in Survey Features Management.
  • Private - by default this value is set to “No”, which means the record is publicly available to all visitors of your site.  To limit access to authorized users only, set to “Yes” then check each Security Group to be granted access.   Security Groups are only listed when Private is set to “Yes”.  
  •  - when entering the first question, the Save button creates the application record and causes additional options and information to be displayed on the forms record section and the additional Questions section as shown below ; thereafter it saves the currently entered or edited question. 

  • Go to Question: used to search the application/survey form for a question containing the entered text.  It is helpful for locating questions when the form contains many questions.  Otherwise use the navigation options explained below:
    • First Question - displays the first question on the form.
    • Previous Question - displays the previous question on the form.
    • Next Question - displays the next question on the form.
    • Last Question: displays the last question on the form.
  •  : saves the current question if has not already been saved and clears the page for a new question.
  •  - deletes the currently displayed question.  PORTALPRODIGY always prompts to confirm before deleting.
  • : used to delete the entire application or survey.  PORTALPRODIGY always prompts to confirm before deleting.
  •  - used to send a solicitation email broadcast to selected recipients promoting membership.  See Broadcasting Chapter for additional explanation.
  •  - used to print reports.  Displays the Report Selection page listing survey reports.
  •  - used to close the application management page and optionally save the question currently added or edited.


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