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Membership Features in Detail
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Membership Management page:

Used to view and edit membership records. 



Data section:


  • Membership Type: displays the name of the Membership Type.
  • Membership ID - displays a unique ID that is assigned to the Membership by PORTALPRODIGY at the time of signup.
  • Initial Order - click on this link to view a copy of the initial Order/Invoice for the Membership.
  • Member Name: display the members First and Last Name. Includes link to open Member in Contact Management.
  • Company Name - If the user specified a Company Name it is displayed here.  Includes link to open Company in Company Management.
  • Application: displays the name of the application form.
  • Membership Status - used to display and select the membership’s current status.  Depending on the Membership Type’s configuration settings, PORTALPRODIGY may set the status automatically.  The status may be manually changed by permitted administrators.  The following choices are available:

    • Not Completed - this is assigned if the member applicant saves the application without completing it.
    • Pending - this is assigned by PORTALPRODIGY when the member applicant saves the completed application.  This status is used to indicate the application either needs to be reviewed or is being reviewed and is pending approval.
    • Rejected – this is assigned when a member of your organization rejects a member’s application. 
    • Approved – this is assigned when a member of your organization approves the member’s application.
    • Revoked – this is assigned when a member of your organization revokes the member’s membership.
    • Active – this is assigned when a membership that does not require approval is activated.
    • Canceled – this is assigned when a membership is canceled by either the member or a member of your organization.
    • Expired – This is automatically assigned by PORTALPRODIGY when the membership expires without being renewed.
    • Payment Declined - This is automatically assigned by PORTALPRODIGY when the member’s payment authorization is declined.
  • Agreement Document - displays the name of the agreement document.
  • Agreement Status - displays member applicant’s acceptance status.  When a member responds online with No to the agreement acceptance prompt, their membership signup is terminated and Agreement Status is set to No.  When a member responds online with Yes to the agreement acceptance prompt Agreement Status is set to Yes. 
  • Locked Recurring Fee - used to specify a renewal fee for the member, thus locking in a specific fee amount that is not affected by increases in renewal fees for new members.  Defaults to the value specified in Membership Type Management page at the time of membership signup. 
  • Locked Renewal Fee - the guaranteed not to exceed renewal fee amount.  If empty, the member’s fee is not locked in.
  • Anniversary Date - used to specify the initial date that the membership is active.   PORTALPRODIGY determines the default date based on the Membership Type settings.  This value can be changed to start the membership on a different date.
  • Expiration Date – defaults to the expiration date determined by the Membership Type settings.  Left blank when there is no expiration date. The value may be manually changed or deleted.
  • Assigned URL – this field is only applicable to Web Hosting and Web Services companies.  An Assigned URL is automatically generated by PORTALPRODIGY when the Membership Type’s Base URL and Auto Increment Starting # configuration settings contain values. 
  • Revoke button  - use to revoke all the member’s membership privileges.  It will prompt for confirmation before applying the revocation.  It will set the Membership Status to Active and will set the member’s security rights to expired status.  Once revoked, the membership can be manually re-activated at any time.  To reactivate, Membership Status must be manually set to active and the user’s security rights manually re-assigned by on Contact Management Security tab.

Billing Information section:

This section is only required to be completed for Membership Types that are billable.  Note that the fields requiring values changes based on the Billing Method that is selected.

  • Billing Date - enter the initial billing date.
  • Billing Method – one or more of the following options may be available depending on the Membership Type’s settings. 

§         Credit Card – select to automatically bill all recurring charges to the member’s credit card.

§         Print and Mail Invoices – select to automatically crated printed invoice for postal mailing to the member.

§         Email Invoices – select to automatically create emailed invoice and email to the member using Broadcaster.

  • Payment Type - used to select one of the available payment types such as Visa, Master Card, etc.  Defaults to the type used for the Initial payment if one was made.
  • Name on Card or Check - the Bill To name.  When billing to a credit card this must match the name on the credit card.  Defaults to the name used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • Number - the credit card or check number.  Defaults to the number used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • Expiration Date (Month/Year) - the credit card expiration.  Defaults to the number used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • Address: the billing address street address including suite or apartment number.  When billing to a credit card this should match the billing address on file with the credit card institution.  Defaults to the number used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • City: the billing address city.  When billing to a credit card this should match the billing address city on file with the credit card institution.  Defaults to the number used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • State: the billing address state.  When billing to a credit card this should match the billing address state on file with the credit card institution.  Defaults to the number used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • Zip - the billing address postal zip code.  When billing to a credit card this should match the billing address postal zip code on file with the credit card institution.  Defaults to the number used for the Initial payment if an initial payment was made.
  • Initial/Renewal Fee Paid Through Date – displays the date if paid.
  • Recurring Fee Paid Through Date – displays the date if paid.

  • Created By - the name of the user that created the record and the date it was created.  Lists user’s first name followed by last name.
  • Modified By - the name of the user that last modified the record and the date it was last modified.  Lists user’s first name followed by last name.
  • Active - by default this value is set to “Yes”, which means the record is active and available for use.  To deactivate a record, set it to “No”.   Deactivating a record is a logical form of deletion.  It is used to remove the record from future use, yet maintain the relationship with existing data.  Reports by default only include active records; however, there is a reporting option that allows inclusion of deactivated records.


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