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Sales Management Features in Detail
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Campaign Management

Used to create and maintain campaigns.  This option is accessed from the Search for Promotion Codes page. (Read the chapter titled Promotion Codes Features in Detail of the Administrator’s Manual to learn more about managing promotions and campaigns using PortalProdigy.



§         Campaign Title – used to enter a name for the campaign.

§         Feature – used to select the feature component the campaign applies to.

§         Target Amount – used to enter a target dollar amount the campaign is intended to produce. 

§         Actual Amount – used to enter the actual dollar amount the campaigned produced.

§         Target Quantity – used to enter a target quantity the campaign is intended to produce.  E.g. for a membership drive this would be the number of new memberships the campaign is targeted to produce.

§         Actual Quantity – used to enter the actual quantity the campaign produced.

§         Start Date – used to enter the date the campaign starts.

§         Start Time – used to enter the time of day the campaign starts.

§         End Date – used to enter the date the campaign ends.

§         End Time – used to enter the time of day the campaign ends.

§         Discount % - used to enter the default percentage discount that will be offered for product promotions.

§         Objective – used to enter a narrative description of the campaign.

§         Active – The Active Field can be set to Yes or No. When set to No, the record will no longer be displayed on the visitor (public) portion of the website. It also will be excluded from search results on administrative pages unless the Include deactivated records in search results box is checked.  It does not delete the record but tags the record so it will be filtered from display.

Saves the data and continue working on the page.


Deletes the current record.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to confirm deletion of the record.  Select OK to confirm the deletion or CANCEL to abort the deletion.

Prints the website page to the user’s local printer.

Close the page and discard all entries and edits.

Used to close the page.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to save changes.  OK response saves changes, closes page, and returns to previous page.  CANCEL response discards all entries and edits (same as Cancel button).



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