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System Administration Menu
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While one can only operate the PORTALPRODIGY system by visiting the website using an Internet browser, for the purposes of description within this documentation we separate web page and functionality into two categories: the Visitor Experience and the Administration Experience.


When this document references the Visitor page, portion or experience as it relates to PORTALPRODIGY, the document is specifically referring to those activities that are made available to the public. However, note that the public may be subject to controlled access based on login and password security controls. Consequently, some public portions of the website and its functionality may be available to all visitors while others are only available to those with an appropriate security group login and password. For example, an association may only allow members (those with member security status) to visit the member directory. The Visitor pages, portion and experiences almost always occur within the Visitor Template pages of the website.  The Visitor Template is the unique visual interface customized to the client organization’s image or brand.


When this document references the Administration page, portion or experience as it relates to PORTALPRODIGY, the document is specifically referring to those activities that are made available to Administrators. Note that Administrators may be subject to controlled access based on login and password security controls which constrict their access to only certain administrative pages and functionality. Consequently, some administrative portions of the website and its functionality may be available to all Administrators while others are only available to those with an appropriate security group login and password. For example, an association may only allow the Event Administrator (those with Event Administrator security status) to enter and update the Event Calendar. The Administration pages, portion and experiences almost always occur within the Administration Template pages of the website. The Administration Template is static.



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©2000-2025 Portal Prodigy, Inc.©1994-2025 Brolin Corporation