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Orders Features in Detail
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Order Statuses:

Order Status is the state of an Order. 

  • Shopping Cart – when a customer adds Products to their shopping cart an Order record is created and given this status.  Inventory has not been committed.  If the customer abandons their cart (session expires before Order is submitted), the Order record is removed from the system.  A Session Timeout setting on the PORTALPRODIGY Server determines how long inactive sessions last before being terminated by the system.  Session Timeout is typically set to a value between 15 and 30 minutes.  Please contact an PORTALPRODIGY Server Administrator to have this value changed.
  • Submitted – This status is assigned by the system when a customer submits their finalized order or an Administrator saves an Order.  Inventory is committed but potential changes in availability have not been reconciled.  Under normal circumstances an Order will only have this status for a few seconds while PORTALPRODIGY reconciles the order to validate availability.


  • Pending - This status is assigned by the system after the submitted order has been reconciled.  Inventory has been committed and all changes in availability have been reconciled.  Order is considered finalized and ready to be fulfilled, i.e. it is pending fulfillment. 
  • Fulfilled - This status is assigned by the system when fulfillment is processed and all Items have been fulfilled and no Items have backorder quantities.
  • Partially Fulfilled - This status is assigned by the system when fulfillment is processed and some Items have been fulfilled but some Items still have unfulfilled (backorder) quantities.
  • Completed - This status is assigned by the system when the Order is posted and the Order has been completely fulfilled, invoiced, and posted.
  • On Hold - This status is assigned manually by an Administrator.  While an Order is on hold it cannot be modified, fulfilled, invoiced, or posted.  
  • Canceled – This status is manually applied to an Order using Order Management.   It is used to logically delete an Order.  Once an order has related items such as payments, journal entries, etc. the system will not allow deletion of the order; instead, it allows the Order to be canceled, which maintains a historical record of the Order. 


Warning!  Once an Order has been set to Canceled, the Order can no longer be processed and the cancellation cannot be reversed.  When Cancel is selected, PORTALPRODIGY displays a warning dialog box and requires confirmation.


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