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  • Directories - The Directories Feature provides the ability to create contact directories which are presented on the Visitor pages of the website. Directories may be Member Type, Special Interest Group or Security Type specific displaying only contact records designated within the indicated group. Individual directory access may be constricted to visitors with specified security permissions.  Directories display only information specified in their administrative setup. When a visitor clicks on a specific directory listing he is presented with a detailed profile assembled from the corresponding contact record.


  • Discussions - The Discussions Feature provides the ability to create Discussion Forums which are presented on the Visitor pages of the website. Discussion Forums provide visitors the ability to interact with each other by submitting typed commentary which is displayed on the website and to also respond to comments already displayed on the website whether put there by Administration or a Visitor.  Discussion Forums may be Member Type, Special Interest Group or Security Type specific allowing only those visitors with appropriate security permission to reply and/or create new discussion topics.


  • Documents - The Documents Feature provides the ability to maintain a visitor friendly cataloged, searchable and browsable document library that includes documents stored in their original file formats such as HTML, PDF and TXT. A database record with descriptive information and administrative controls is created for each document imported into the website. Documents can be assigned viewing security levels, expiration dates, catalog locations, topics, and index keywords and phrases.  The Document Library can serve as a knowledgebase for visitors and/or the organizing store house for unlimited website pages. Using the Documents Feature, Administrators with no website or HTML programming experience can import documents from their computer remotely into the organization’s website.  Documents created in MSWord, Publisher, and other desktop publishing software are easily made part of the website with no programming required.


  • Events - The Events Feature provides the ability to furnish visitors with an event calendar. Event brochures, registration forms, maps, etc can be imported from any Administrator’s computer into the Events Feature of the organization’s website. Event details, contact information, registration limits, seating inventory, pricing and payment options can all be added, updated, tracked and reported. Visitors can register and pay online using credit cards or other payment options. Attendance lists and badges can be printed locally on the Administrator’s remote computer, related email broadcasts can be scheduled and sent and, if desirable, a view current registrants link can be available to visitors.


  • Exchanges - The Exchanges Feature provides the ability to create administration and/or visitor operated exchanges. Ideal for creating member, staff or constituent operated resume and job posting boards, auctions, barter markets, vendor sponsor catalogs, trainer or speakers bureaus, and other visitor operated organization sponsored bazaars or markets.  Administrators can define an unlimited number of exchanges which can be public or private. Visitors can be provided access to the exchanges free of charge or on a fee paid basis. Payment for participation can be accepted online using credit cards or other payment options. The Exchanges Feature differs from the Items/Products Feature in that it fosters commerce or exchange between a defined group of visitors such as members and does not provide for order placement, invoicing or payment between those parties.


  • Items/Products - The Items/Products Feature is used to create and maintain products sold by your organization.  The Items/Products Feature provides the ability to enter detailed Product descriptions, categorize products, attach product pictures, setup inventory and selection by colors and sizes, enter initial inventory quantities, attach full featured multimedia product brochures, and track manufacturer, purchasing and cost information.  It is also used to define Items used by other feature components such as Events, Exchanges, Membership, & Press Releases.


  • LRCA - The Legislative and Regulatory Calls to Action Feature provides the ability to rapidly mobilize constituents into a focused force. The organization can use LRCA to broadcast Calls to Action messages via email to specified individuals, contact types or interest groups stored in the Contact Database. The messages include a hyperlink which message recipients can click, bringing them to the website’s issue position and education page. From there, respondents can learn more about the issue and choose to respond to their legislative, regulatory, judicial or executive branch representative as pre-determined by an Administration setup function. Each LRCA project can include suggested response messages to aid respondents in developing their own message. Respondents type their message into the website LRCA response form as well as their postal zip code. PORTALPRODIGY uses their zip code entry to determine the respondent’s correct legislative, regulatory, judicial or executive branch representative and sends their message.   


  • Membership Types – The Membership Types Feature provides a highly flexible system for offering, promoting, signing-up and managing members online.  Be careful not to confine your interpretation of this feature only to “memberships” as in a club or association. Instead, think of members as a specifically privileged group.  Membership Types can be assigned to all kinds of groups such as employees, specific department staff, managers, contributors, parishioners, reporters and journalists, constituents, vendors, customers, prospects, etc.  Using Membership Types your organization can automate the process of granting access to various site features and content.  The Membership Feature is highly flexible.  It allows you to create customized signup forms and application forms; memberships can be offered for free or they can require fees including signup fees, recurring dues, and other charges; you can require approval; you can require contractual acceptance by member applicant; and you can completely control the access privileges.  The Memberships Feature also automates all aspects of membership billing and payment processing.


  • News - The News Feature provides a rapid entry interface used by Administration to enter news items. Headlines are displayed on the homepage where visitor can click on individual items of interest to view the detailed news record.  News items can be configured to expire on a specific date or displayed indefinitely.


  • Publisher - The Publisher Feature provides a publishing facility which fosters the regular publication of newsletters and other publications with consistent format from issue to issue. An unlimited number of custom Publisher Templates may be created ahead of publication for printed format, HTML format and email text format newsletters. Multiple content and editorial contributors can participate simultaneously since permitted Administrative Visitors such as the Newsletter Committee or editorial staff can add and update publications content at their convenience until date of publication. Publications can be automatically broadcast to specified individuals, contact types or interest groups via email. Print format publications can be merged with name and address data from the Contact Database for specified individuals, contact types or interest groups and printed on any remote users printer or saved to a digital file and brought to a digital printing service such as Staples, Sir Speedy, Kinkos, etc. for printing.


  • Product Catalog – The Product Catalog Features is used to configure your online store.  It provides the tools to publish a professional and convenient online Product Catalog for showcasing your Products and Services and allowing customers to conveniently place their orders online.  The Product Catalog Feature provides the ability to define an unlimited number of Product Categories including Sub Categories with an unlimited hierarchy of Sub Categories.  It provides the ability to easily assign Products to Categories and to define how Products are displayed within each Category.  Products can be assigned to multiple Categories and displayed differently in each Category.  The Product Catalog Feature is only displayed on the Administration Content Menu when the Advanced Catalog option is enabled in Features Management.  When not enabled, PORTALPRODIGY automatically defines a simple catalog with a single level of Product Categories for your organization.


  • Surveys - The Surveys Feature provides a facility for conducting surveys online. Administrative Visitors can create an unlimited number of surveys with an unlimited number of questions with multiple choice, true/false, rating or text answer formats. Survey notices can be automatically broadcast to specified individuals, contact types or interest groups via email. Message recipients can click on a link bringing them to the corresponding website survey page where they answer questions and submit their results. Survey results are stored in PORTALPRODIGY and can be reported when needed.


  • Requests Types – The Request Types Feature provides a complete request management system for capturing, processing and managing a variety of interactions including general information requests, warranty claims, maintenance service requests, maintenance and support contracts, product information requests, project requests, requests for quotes, consulting requests, training requests, resource requests, research requests, event planning, questions and assistance with problems and more. Seamlessly integrates with Work Orders, Service Contracts, and Tasks Management features.



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