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Membership Billing Features in Detail
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How to Create Membership Invoices

§         From the Site Administration Menu click on the  browse icon to access the Membership Billing options. 




§         Click on the Create Membership Invoices  option.

§         Select the Month to invoice using the list box.

§         The year defaults to the current year.  Change if applicable.

§         Click on  button.



§         If you are prepared to print invoices, confirm by clicking Yes when prompted; otherwise you can print the invoices at a later time using the Print Invoices option available on the Membership Billing options page.

§         The invoices appear as shown below:


§         You will be prompted with your Internet Browser’s  Print Dialog box where you will need to select a printer and select your print option.  The actual print options are dependent on the version of the Windows operating system on your computer.

§         After the invoices are sent to your printer you will be prompted as shown below:



§         Verify that the invoices were printed correctly.  If they were printed correctly confirm to post the invoices by clicking Yes when prompted; otherwise you can reprint and post the invoices at a later time using the Print Invoices option available on the Membership Billing options page.



§         If you are prepared to email invoices, confirm by clicking Yes when prompted; otherwise you can email the invoices at a later time using the Email Invoices option available on the Membership Billing options page.

§         Each Membership invoiced is listed as shown below.



§         Click  button to return to the Membership Billing options page.

§         You are finished.


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