Used to select which orders to fulfill.
Search section:
Enter Batch # to retrieve an existing Batch
used to retrieve a pre-defined batch when you know the batch #. Enter the number then click the button.
Or Enter Criteria to Create a New
Batch section:
Feature used to select the feature component that
you are posting the batch for. Select
from one of the following:
o Products
selects orders for products only.
o Events
selects orders for event registration only.
o Pres
Releases selects orders for press releases only.
Order Status used to select the status of
orders to post. The following options
are available:
o New
Orders Only Fulfill orders that have not been previously fulfilled or
partially fulfilled and that are not backorders.
o Backorder
Only Fulfill backorders only.
o Both
Fulfill all orders with unfulfilled items.
Responsible Group selects orders with items
that match the specified group. Item Management
contains the field Responsible Group which is used to assign a group
responsible for fulfilling the item.
This can be used to assign third party suppliers and vendors so they can
retrieve and fulfill items.
Item ID used to select orders containing the
specified product based on Item ID.
Item Code used to select orders containing the
specified product based on Item Code.
Order Date used to select orders based on the
order date range.
Order # - used to select orders based on the
order number range.
Shipper used to select orders based on the
Shipping Method used to select orders based on
the shipping method.
Payment Methods used to select orders based on
the payment menthod.
Include the following choices are available:
o All
Items on Order shows all items including items that are not in stock.
o Only
Items that can be Fulfilled shows only items that are in stock and have
quantities available for fulfillment.
Exclude Orders with Partial Availability where
partial Shipment is not Allowed when checked, it will exclude orders that
contain items that cannot be completely fulfilled where the customer has
requested to not receive partial shipment.
Items per page used to select the number of
results in matches.
Sort by used to select the sort order of the
matches. The following choices are
o Order
sorts by Order #.
o Item
sorts by Item ID.
o Product
code sorts by Product Code.
Submits criteria to server and returns batch of order
items to be fulfilled.
Clears the search criteria.
Prints the website page to the users local printer.
Closes the page and returns to the Site Administration