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Donations Feature in Detail
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Create Automatic Thank You Email for Donors


The Auto Broadcast message is delivered when a donor submits a donation from the Donation Entry page.


  1. Read the Quick Tutorial titled “Activate and Setup the Donations Feature”


  1. Read the chapter titled “Broadcasting Features in Detail” in the Administration Manual.


  1. Click the Broadcasting add icon on the Site Administration Menu page.


  1. Select Type = Email


  1. Set Object Type = Order


  1. Enter a sender’s address in Sender’s Email field.  Usually an address is set up on organizations mail server such as


  1. Enter Your Organization Name + “thanks you for your donation” into Subject field.


  1. Type or copy and paste the following into message field:


Dear <%Order:ContactFirstName%> <% Order:ContactLastName%>


Thank you for your donation …


Your continue support is greatly appreciated.


Feel free to contact:

Name of Person

Email address

Phone number



Your Organization Name    J


  1. Click on Save button



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