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Events Feature in Detail
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Registering for an Event

A visitor begins the registration process by clicking on the  button on the Event Details page.


If the visitor is logged in with a verified ID and password, the system initiates the event registration process. If the visitor is not logged in the system requests a login or signup.




Once logged in, the system asks the visitor if he/she is attending the event in order to determine the default quantity for those logins that are designated as a Member Contact Type.


Registration Page Step 1 presents the user with an interface to enter quantities of guests, meal and parking tickets etc. The visitor enters the quantities and clicks the  button to move to Registration Step 2.

Event Registration Step 2 Page provides the visitor with an interface to enter names which will later be used to print badges and on reports.



Based on the payment options enabled by Administration during setup, the visitor is presented with payment instructions including the option to enter credit card information and pay online.

After payment information is entered, the visitor is presented with the Registration Approval page. To approve and submit the order the visitor clicks on the OK button.


Administration may setup the events parameters to allow updates to event orders. In such a case, visitors can revisit their event registration and make changes.


Badges can be printed to a local printer on Avery Label stock or an equivalent.







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