Used to maintain a lookup table of categories (customized
fields) used by the Product Search feature and to provide customers with
additional standardized information on the Product Detail page.Product Search allows customers to find
products by selecting categories and searching on keywords.If for example you were selling books you
might want to create the following categories: “Author”, “Subject”, “ISBN”,
“Publisher”, etc.The customer could
then search for a specific author by selecting “Author” from the Product Search
list box and entering the author’s name in the Product Search text box.Product Detail Categories can also be
specified as non-searchable.E.g. you
could create a Product Detail Category named “Number of Pages”.It would be displayed on the Product Detail
page as a standard piece of information.
Description: enter a name for the Detail
Sort Order: defaults to 0.You can control the display order of the
Categories by entering an integer value.Don’t fret if you enter the same number more than once,
PORTALPRODIGY will resolve this by sorting the duplicates
Display Section: this setting determines where
the Item is displayed in the Shopping Catalog Product Details Page. Make
one of two choices:
Below Product Name – displays the Category
directly below the Product Name in the header.
In Product Details – displays the Category
with the other details in the lower portion of the Product Details page.
Include in Search – set to “Yes” to make this
category searchable using Product Search.Set to “No” to exclude from Product Search, but still display in
Shopping Catalog for informational purposes.
Include in Sort – set to “Yes” to sort the
Products by this category.Set to
“No” to exclude from sort, but still display in Shopping Catalog.
Active: defaults to “Yes”.Set to “No” to deactivate the Category,
removing it as a selection from lookup list boxes.