The Administrator begins adding a News Item by clicking on the News Add Icon in the Content Management column of the
Site Administration Menu.
News Title - The
Administrator enters the title of the news article into the News Title Field.
The title is displayed in lists on public portions of the site and, when clicked
on by a visitor, opens a page which displays the entire article.
Description Field
- The Administrator enters a brief
description, into the Description Field, which acts as a subtitle on the
visitor portion of the site, may be entered here.
News Type – The
Administrator has several choices of formats for news items. She may enter
plain text into the Text Field for the simplest application. She can paste or
type HTML code into the Text Field (very difficult way to create a news item).
She can create an HTML page by clicking on the Edit Text Icon , which
activates the PORTALPRODIGY HTML Editor. Or, she can import a document via the
News Document Import Field.
Clicking the TXT/HTML
radio button causes the site to display the data entered into the Text Field on
the visitor’s portion of the site when the News Item is viewed. Clicking the OTHER radio button causes the site to display the document that is
related by the News Document Import Field on the visitor’s portion of the site
when the News Item is viewed.
Text – If the
Administrator chose the TXT/HTML option then she enters the text or HTML code
of the article into the Text Field field.
News Document Import
Field – If the Administrator chose the OTHER option, documents are imported
from the Administrator’s remote computer or network in lieu of entering news
into the Text Field. - The Administrator can attach detailed
and sophisticated documentation or a multi media presentation by importing a
document. This feature uses the Resource Document library Engine and more
details can be learned in the chapter titled Document Feature in Detail.
- View More Information Document – If
a document has already been imported or related to the specific News Item
record, it can be viewed by clicking on this button.
- Update More Information
Document – A new document file can be loaded by clicking on this
- Check-Out More Information
Document - If a document has already been imported or related to the
specific News Item record, it can be downloaded to the Administrators
computer by clicking on this button.
- Delete More Information
Document - If a document has already been related to the specific
LRCA record, it can be deleted by clicking on this link.
- Search for More Information Document – If
a desired document is already loaded in the Resource Document Library it
can be located by clicking on this icon and then related to the specific
News Item.
Active: Field – The Administrator sets the Active Field to Yes or
No. When set to No, the news item will no longer be displayed on the visitor
(public) portion of the website. It also will be excluded from search results
on administrative pages unless the Include deactivated records in search
results box is checked. It does not
delete the record but tags the record so it will be filtered from display.
Expires Date: Field – The Administrator enters a date into the Expires Date Field, after which the
news item will no longer be displayed on the visitor (public) portion of the website.
Topics Field – The Administrator may select a topic from the Topics
Field which contains a selection list based on entries made on the Events
Topics Management pages. Topics determines which events are grouped together in
the Events List on the public portion of the website.
Private Field – The Administrator sets the Private Field to Yes or No. Selecting No
indicates that the event record may be displayed to all visitors. Selecting YES indicates that only visitors with
appropriate privileges may view the event record and causes the Security Groups
selection box to be displayed at the bottom of the News Management page.
Clicking to check the corresponding check box(es) permits specified group
members to view the news record on the public portion of the website.
- Saves the data entered into the News
Record fields.
- Deletes the News Record
- Displays the News Item as a visitor
would see it in their browser on the public portion of the website.
- Prints the website page to the visitor’s
local printer.
- Accesses the Report Menu
- Closes the page without saving or
updating values.
- Closes the page and prompts the visitor
to save the data.