Clicking on a label in the Newsletter Types list accesses
the Newsletters Selection Page for the selected Newsletter type.
A Newsletter Issue is a specific single publication
identified by a title, volume number, issue number and date. A single issue may
be comprised of one or more feature articles, sidebars and advertisements.
Feature articles and advertisements may include images.
The Newsletter Issues Selection Page displays the Newsletter
Type customization values and lists created issues below. Often Issues will be
created well in advance of publication to provide anticipatory structure to
production of Newsletters. Administrators can insert content as it becomes available
or at their convenience.
Clicking on an Issues label such as Spring 2004 accesses
the Newsletter Issue Component Page for the specific issue selected. Clicking
on accesses the NewsLetter Issue Management Page
which is used to start a new newsletter issue.
- Newsletter
Issue Name Field – The Administrator enters the name of the issue in
this field. For example, Spring 2003, or July 2004, or Annual Review 2004.
The name entered into this field will appear in the list on the
Newsletters Issue Selection list of the Administration portion of the
website and the Newsletter Issues Selection list on the public portion of
the website.
- Increase
Volume # Field – If desired, the Administrator can begin a new volume
by clicking the Yes radio button.
- Date Text – The
date text is printed in the header of the newsletter on each page.