The Issue Components Management Pages vary for each of the
Component Types (Features, Sidebars and Advertisements) but consist of all or
some of the forms and fields described below.When the newsletter is published, the content entered into the fields on
the Issue Components Management page is formatted and compiled into the
newsletter issue according to the Newsletter Template that was selected on the
Newsletter Type Management page.
Heading Bar
Title: Field – The entry in this field appears in the Article Header
Bar of the newsletter.
Field – The article/item headline is entered into this field and
appears at the top of the associated feature article.
Sub Headline:
Field -The article/item
sub-headline is entered into this field and appears at the top of the
associated feature article just below the headline
Sort Order:
Field – The number entered into this field decides the order of the
articles/items within the issue. If items have the same Sort Order number
entered then they will be sorted alphabetically.
Author: Field
-The article Author’s name is
entered into this field and appears at the top of the associated feature
article just below the sub-headline.
In This Issue
Text: Field - PORTALPRODIGY builds a table of contents called In This Issue and inserts it into
each newsletter. The In This Issue table appears at the beginning of
newsletters compiled from the Text-Only Electronic Delivery template. The
In This Issue table appears at the top of newsletters compiled from the
HTML Electronic Delivery template just below the header and issue
identification bar. The In This Issue table appears at the bootom of the
sidebar of newsletters compiled from the HTML Printed template.
Choose Content
From: Field – Most organizations have multiple staffers or committee
persons administering different features of PORTALPRODIGY. For example,
the Events Committee administers the event feature, the News Committee
administers the news feature, the Legislative Committee administers the
LRCA feature, the Education Committee administers the knowledgebase, etc.
Such administrators can input lots of current and interesting content into
the website during the normal course of their duties. That content can be
an ideal source of content for regular newsletters. The Choose Content
From field aids the NewsletterAdministrator
in quickly reviewing the latest content additions to the organization’s PORTALPRODIGY
website in order to collect content.
When the Administrator clicks on
the Choose Content From field, a selection list is displayed. Clicking on an
item in the list and then clicking the button activates the search or list mechanism
for that feature in a fresh browser window. The administrator can search for
appropriate content by navigating the list or operating the search mechanism in
order to display content.
Since the search or list mechanism
for the selected feature is opened in a fresh browser window (Target Window),
the Newsletter administrator can easily copy content from the Target Window and
then paste it into the Content field of the Issue Components Management
page.Using this feature, the Newsletter
Administrator can build an entire newsletter in minutes.
Content Field
– The main content text or body of an article/item is entered here.
When the newsletter is published, PORTALPRODIGY automatically formats the
text into columns appropriate for the newsletter template selected as well
as wrapping around images, breakout boxes, etc.
Resource URL: Field – If a “for more information click here” type
hyperlink is required to be associated with an article/item, it is entered
here and the associated text that will appear as a the clickable link must
be entered into the Text to Display for URL: Field.
Text to
Display for URL: Field - If a “for more information click here” type
hyperlink is required to be associated with an article/item, the clickible
text is entered here and the associated URL must be entered into the
Feature Resource URL: Field.
Feature Image:
Field – An image can be imported into the component item. Images are
displayed within the component in the newsletter.
Field - Entering text into this field adds a breakout box to a feature
Advertisements can be stand alone, in which case they appear at the end of the
newsletter, or they can be related to a feature article in which case they
appear at the bottom of the article. To add an advertisement to the bottom of
an article, click the Image or Text radio button on the Advertisement form
included on the Edit Feature Issue Components Management page. To create an
independent advertisement which appears at the end of the news letter, click on
the button on the Newsletter Issue Components
Advertisement: None, Inage and Text
Radio Buttons – If there is to be no advertisement associated with the
related feature article then this should be selected as None. If an advertisement will be
included there are two options for inserting the advertisement: Import an
already created advertisement in the form of a digital file. As a
matter of fact, HTML-Electronic Delivery Newsletters can include video
Headline: Field –
Image: Field – If the Administrator selects Image on the Advertisement: None, Image and Text Radio
Buttons, the following fields do not affect the advertisement. If the
Administrator selects None or Text on the Advertisement: None,
Image and Text Radio Buttons, this field does not affect the advertisement.
Clicking the button, activates the Windows Choose File dialog box. The administrator
locates the desired image file on his computer or network and clicks on open.
Or, the Administrator can type the path to the file directly into the
Advertisement Imag field.
Content: Field – The advertisement content or body is entered into
this field. If the Administrator selects Image on the Advertisement: None, Image and Text Radio
Buttons, this field does not affect the advertisement. If the
Administrator selects Text on
the Advertisement: None, Image and Text Radio Buttons, this field does affect
the advertisement.
Contact Info: Field - The advertisement contact information or close
statement is entered into this field. If the Administrator selects Image on the Advertisement: None,
Image and Text Radio Buttons, this field does not affect the
advertisement. If the Administrator selects Text on the Advertisement: None, Image and Text Radio Buttons,
this field does affect the advertisement.
URL: Field - If a “for more information click here” type hyperlink is
required to be associated with an advertisement, it is entered here and
the associated text that will appear as the clickable link must be entered
into the Text to Display for URL: Field. If the Administrator selects Image on the Advertisement: None,
Image and Text Radio Buttons, this field does not affect the
advertisement. If the Administrator selects Text on the Advertisement: None, Image and Text Radio Buttons,
this field does affect the advertisement.
Text to Display for
URL: Field - If a “for more information click here” type hyperlink is
required to be associated with an advertisement, the clickable text is entered
here and the associated URL must be entered into the Advertisement URL: Field.If the Administrator selects Image on the Advertisement: None, Image
and Text Radio Buttons, this field does not affect the advertisement. If the
Administrator selects Text on the
Advertisement: None, Image and Text Radio Buttons, this field does affect the