When all articles, sidebars and advertisements have been
entered and the Administrator is ready to preview the newsletter, select
recipients, print the newsletter or broadcast the newsletter, he clicks on the button on the bottom of the Newsletter Issue
Components page for the selected issue, which accesses the Newsletter Issue
Management page.
For issues compiled from the HTML Electronic Delivery
template and the Text-Only Electronic Delivery template clicking on the button opens a fresh browser window where the
newsletter is displayed in its compiled and complete form. For issues compiled from the HTML Printed
template clicking on the button opens a slightly different Newsletter
Issue Management page which lists each of the four 8.5 X 11 pages separately.
The pages are displayed separately so their printing can be handled
independently. This capability is especially important if recipient addresses
are being mail merged into the fourth page. Clicking on the title of a page
opens a fresh browser window where the newsletter page is displayed in its
compiled and complete form.
For issues compiled from the HTML Electronic Delivery
template and the Text-Only Electronic Delivery template clicking on the button accesses the Broadcast Recipients
management page.
Recipients can be selected by Contact Type, Special Interest
Group, or Security Group. Selecting down a column affects an OR search while
selecting across columns affects an AND search. For example, selecting the
boxes Client, Contractor and Contributor would select contacts that are stored
in the contact database with the values Client OR Contractor OR Contributor and
not necessarily a member of each Contact Type. On the other hand, checking
Member, Finance and Accounting, and Admin would select contacts that are
Members but must also be in the Financial and Accounting Special interest Group
and must have Admin privileges.
Clicking on button saves the selections and returns the
browser to the Newsletter Issue Management Page.
Clicking on the button located on the Newsletter Issue
Management Page, displays the list of recipients identified by PORTALPRODIGY
based on the selection criteria entered into the Broadcast Recipients page.
Clicking on the button, causes the PORTALPRODIGY Broadcasting
Feature to deliver the newsletter via electronic mail to the selected