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Requests and Help Desk Features in Detail
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Request Form Management page:

Request Form Management is used to define a data entry form for the selected Request Type.  The Request Form Management page contains two sections.  The first section, Request Form Header, is used to define a title and instructions for the form.  The second section, Question Details, is used to define one or more questions/fields to be included on the form.


Page Settings section:


This section is not displayed initially.  It is displayed after you save your form.



  • Use - select one of the following:

o     Page Type Default Settings – use to select the default Page Settings Collection for this feature.  The Default Settings for each feature are set from Page Type Manager which is listed on the Utilities Menu.  When PortalProdigy is first installed, each feature is set to inherit the Site Settings Collection.

o     Other – use to select a specific Page Settings Collection from the list box.

  • Add New button  use to create a new Page Settings Collection.
  • Page Manager button  use to open Page Manager to view and edit the selected Page Settings Collection.


Request Form Header section:


§    Request Form Title:  used to give the form a title which will be displayed on the Request entry page.

§    Description: used to place instructions or other information the Request entry page.  Click on    to use the PORTALPRODIGY Document Editor.


Question Details section:

§    Question:  used to enter the field label or questions such as “Name:”, “Phone Number:”, “Please describe your requirements:”, “How many salespeople does your firm have?”, etc.  Allows text value of up to 255 characters.

§    Question Type:  used to select a type of field/question.  The Question Type determines the type of data and input method that will be used.  Note that each Question Type has different options that are explained below.

o       Choice - used to provide the user with multiple choices as selections.  When Choice is selected as the Question Type, a grid control is displayed as shown in the screen picture below.  Click the  Add New Record icon to add a Choice.  Click  Save Current Record icon when finished entering the Choice.  Repeat for additional choices/

§         Choice Name:  Enter the value.

§         Order#: used to control the order of the Choices.  Enter as integer.

o       Maximum Answers - This is the maximum number of selections the user is allowed.  It is entered as an integer.  If you want the user to select all that apply then set the value to the total number of choices, e.g. if there are 3 choices and you want to allow the user to select up to three of them, then set to Maximum Answers = 3.  This will display the choices as checkboxes on the form.  If you want the user to select only one choice then set to 1.  When Maximum Answers = 1, it will display the choices as radio buttons.  When set to more than one, it will display the choices as checkboxes.  If you would rather have the choices displayed in a list box then set Display as List Box to “Yes”.  List box is appropriate when Maximum Answers = 1.

o       Text - When Text is selected select you will be given the choices to select a Data Format for the text.  The choices are “Text”, “Date”, “Number”, and “Dollars”.  This will display a text box on your form and format the value as specified.

o       Memo - This will display a memo field on your form.

o       Field - When Field is selected select a field name from the list box.  This will display a text box on your form and format the value according to the selected field’s rules.  Use this Question Type when you want to link data in your form to PortalProdigy data fields.  If in Request Management you set Create Contact Record to “Yes” you will need to add Questions with Question Type = “Field” for each piece of Contact information you want to collect such as Contact’s Name, Company Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.

o       Sub-Form - Use this option to insert a sub-form within the main request entry form.  Use sub-forms to collect multiple rows of information. The sub-form questions/fields are formatted as columns and the data is entered in rows with the ability to insert as many rows as needed.  E.g. a Sub-Form could be included to request a quote on multiple items/products.  Set Default # of Rows to 1 or higher.  This determines the number of blank rows that are displayed on the Sub-Form. If your customers typically request information for 3 items at a time, then set this to 3.  The system will insert a button in the Sub-Form that will allow customers to add additional rows.  Click on the Sub-Form link.  This will open Sub-Form Builder in new window.  It works the same way as Request Form Management.  When finished building your Sub-Form, click Close button to return to Request Form Management.

§    Administrator Only:  Set Administrator Only to “No” for all questions/fields that you want the customer to see on their entry form.  Set to “Yes” for all questions/fields that you want hidden from the customer but visible to administrators.

§    Required:  Set Required to “Yes” to make a response to the question/field mandatory.  Set to “No” to make a response optional.

§    Solution:  Set Solution to “Yes” to not include the question/field on the customer entry form, but to include it on the status form that is accessible to the customer.  E.g. you may want a field for Quoted Price that your sales staff enters after the customer has submitted their request.  Such a field would not be appropriate on the original entry form.

§    Include in Knowledgebase:  Set Include in Knowledgebase to “Yes” if you want customers to be able to perform public search for the Request.  Typically this is set to “No” for Product and Sales Information requests.

§    Go To Question:  use to enter text to search for a question.  If no match is found it will display the first question.  If a match is found it will display the matching question.  This is a useful tool for quickly finding questions for editing, eliminating need to scroll through them one at a time.

§    Active:  yes/no list box.  By default it is set to “Yes”.  Set to “No” to deactivate the record.  Deactivated questions will not be displayed on Request Entry for new requests but remain in database to store the information entered in Requests prior to deactivation.

Saves the data and continue working on the page.


Adds a new question.

Deletes the currently displayed question.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to confirm deletion of the question.  Select OK to confirm the deletion or CANCEL to abort the deletion.

Deletes the entire Request Form.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to confirm deletion of the form.  Select OK to confirm the deletion or CANCEL to abort the deletion.

Displays a list of the questions and for each question lists each response (entered value).

Opens Question Sort Order Management page which lists all questions and provides easy method to change their sort order.

Opens Reports page where you can select and print reports.

Used to close the page.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to save changes.  OK response saves changes, closes page, and returns to previous page.  CANCEL response discards all entries and edits to the current page (same as Cancel button).



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