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Membership Features in Detail
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Visitors can access Membership Signup via a variety of methods including menu links, broadcasted emails, web site content pages and home page mini browsers.  Links can be configured to either take the Visitor directly to a specific Membership page or to listing of available Membership Types.


The following is an example of a PORTALPRODIGY Home Page Mini Browser advertisement soliciting membership.  Mini Browsers are defined in the Administrator portion of the site.   The page positioning and style of Mini Browsers are dependent on the site template and other administrator definable options.  The following is an example of a Mini Browser with the heading Become a Member:




The Become a Member Mini Browser includes a brief description (tickler) and a Join Now link which takes the visitor to the Membership Types page, where the visitor can browse through the Membership Types offered by your organization, view brochures and signup as a new member. 



The Membership Types displays general instructions (defined in the Administrative portion of the site) followed by the name of each Membership Type and a summary description.  The Visitor clicks on the Membership Type name to view a Membership Details page like the page shown below:




From this page the visitor can print a printer friendly version of the page.  The visitor can also view a brochure for the membership type that can be formatted as a beautiful and dazzling multi media presentation. 


The visitor clicks on   to begin the signup process.  If the visitor is not logged in, PORTALPRODIGY prompts them to login or register as a new user, as shown below:





A specialized Quick Registration form can be created for each Membership Type to capture the applicant’s membership applicable contact information.  The following is an example of a specialized Quick Registration form for Organizational (Company) memberships vs. individual memberships:



After completing the registration form, the membership applicant is returned to the Membership Agreement page, if an Agreement is attached; otherwise the membership applicant is taken to a Membership Application/Questionnaire page, if an Application is attached; otherwise the membership applicant is taken directly to the Membership Fees page. 




Depending on the option settings for Membership Type, the membership applicant may either be required to accept the Membership Agreement online by clicking on the  button or    icon to print the form and submit a signed copy by mail or fax.






The membership application presents the member applicant with an online questionnaire.  It can contain questions requiring textual input, multiple choice single response, and multiple choice multi selection responses. 



The Membership Fees page lists the applicable fees and fee options.  It also lists the Payment Method and Payment Types options.  Depending on the Membership Type options, the membership applicant may be required to select from a list of Recurring Fee options, Optional Fees options, and payment options.



The membership applicant is then required to provide payment information applicable to the Payment option they have selected.


When payment is made by credit card, the membership applicant is prompted with the following questions: “Would you like to have your recurring dues automatically billed to your credit card?”.  Responding with Yes sets up their account to automatically bill their credit card for each recurring billing cycle.



The membership applicant is then taken to the Membership Approval page which displays their membership order and requires confirmation by pressing OK.  When Pay Online is selected this page displays the following instructions:



When Payment By Mail is selected, the following is displayed at the top of the Membership Approval page:



After selecting OK, the Membership Receipt page is displayed, providing a printer friendly version for printing and confirming submittal of the membership.


Depending on the Membership Type options defined in Administration, the new member will be assigned to an applicable Security Group giving them access rights to various online resources and feature components. 


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