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Color Scheme Feature in Detail
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For each Item on the Color Scheme page, there are separate fields for Background Color and Font Color.   Some Items support use of a background image; they have a Background Image field along with a Browse button that is used to load the image that is to be used to fill the background.  Colors are specified either by entering a hexadecimal code directly into the field or by selecting a standard color from the color palette.  The color palette is accessed by clicking on the icon.  When the color palette icon is not displayed, it either means the color setting is not applicable to the selected Site Template or the color setting is pre-set.   Note that the Items displayed on the Color Scheme page are dependent on the Template Style that is selected, thus some of the Items listed below may not appear on your Color Scheme page.


Color Scheme section:


  • Name:  when creating a new Color Collection this is where you assign a name to the collection.  


Page section:



§         Background: sets the color for the browser background.

§         Scroll Bar: sets the color of the browser scroll bar.


Header section:



§         Background: sets the color for the header’s background.

§         Title 1:  sets color for Organization Title 1.

§         Title 2:  sets color for Organization Title 2.

§         Date Value:  sets the color of the date, which is displayed in the header of some templates.


Header Menu Bar A section:



§         Menu Bar:  sets color for upper menu bar.

§         Menu Bar Option on Mouse-over:  sets the color for the options on the Menu Bar when the mouse is placed over them.  Used to highlight which option the mouse cursor is over.

§         Drop Down Menu Option: sets the color for drop down menu items.

§         Drop Down Menu Option on Mouse-over: sets the color for the options on the drop down men when the mouse is placed over them.  Used to highlight which option the mouse cursor is over.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Top: sets the color of the top border of the drop down menu.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Right: sets the color of the right border of the drop down menu.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Bottom: sets the color of the button border of the drop down menu.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Left: sets the color of the left border of the drop down menu.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Top on Mouse-over: sets the color of the top border of the drop down menu when the mouse is placed over it.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Right on Mouse-over: sets the color of the right border of the drop down menu when the mouse is placed over it.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Bottom on Mouse-over: sets the color of the button border of the drop down menu when the mouse is placed over it.

§         Drop Down Menu Border Left on Mouse-over: sets the color of the left border of the drop down menu when the mouse is placed over it.


Header Menu Bar B section:


Same options as Header Menu Bar B.



Left Side Bar section:



§         Background: sets the color for the side bars background.


Right Side Bar section:


Same options as Left Side Bar.



Side Bar Menu section:



§         Menu Topic: sets the color for the Menu Topics.

§         Menu Links: sets the color for the Menu Items


Main Body section:



  • Page Title:  sets color for feature main content section title in pages such as Events, News, Surveys, etc.
  • Content Title A: sets colors for sub titles and various text in visitor pages such as Events, News Surveys, etc. 
  • Content Title B:  sets colors for feature sub titles in various text in visitor pages such as Events, News Surveys, etc.
  • Labels A:  sets colors for links (options) displayed in feature pages.
  • Labels B:  sets colors for meta data such as the number of replies to discussion, number of documents, number of pages, etc. that are displayed in visitor pages.
  • Option Links:  sets colors for text in options such as  that are displayed at the bottom of visitor pages.  Note that the color of the icons associated with the options is pre-set, only the text color can be changed.
  • Data Group Header:  sets the color for section headers in visitor pages. See the example below:

Line Callout 3: Data Group LabelLine Callout 3: Data Group ValueLine Callout 3: Data Group Header

  • Data Group Label:  sets the color for section labels (field names) in visitor pages.  See the example above.
  • Data Group Value:  sets the color for section data values (field values) in visitor pages.  See the example above.
  • Highlighted Tab:  sets color for the selected tab for tabbed visitor pages.
  • Browse Heading:  sets color for various text in visitor pages.
  • More Details: sets color for product catalog option to view more details about a product.

  • Category Background: sets color for the background are of the product catalog.
  • Category Name: sets color of the Product Catalog Category name.  In other pages sets color of primary category name.
  • Sub-Category: sets color of the Product Catalog Sub-Category name. In other pages sets color of secondary category name.
  • Product Name:  sets color of the Product Name in the Product Catalog and Product Detail pages.
  • Product Description:  sets color of the Product Description text in the Product Catalog and Product Detail pages.
  • Sales Price:
  • List Price: sets the color of the List Price amount.
  • Savings:  sets the color the Price Savings (List Price – Sales Price) amount.
  • Product Information Heading: sets color of Product meta data when value exists.
  • Product Information Heading Empty: sets color of Product meta data when value does not exist.
  • Product Table Borders:  sets border color when Product Catalog Category has a border around the listed products.


Footer section:


Same options as Left Side Bar.



Footer Menu Bar A section:



§         Menu Bar:  sets color for upper menu bar.

§         Menu Bar Option on Mouse-over:  sets the color for the options on the Menu Bar when the mouse is placed over them.  Used to highlight which option the mouse cursor is over.


Footer Menu Bar B section:


Same options as Footer Menu Bar A.



Sub Components (Mini Browsers) section:


  • Header/Topic:  sets the color of header and header title for Mini Browsers displayed in the main content section of the Home page and in side bars.  This can be overridden for each user defined mini browser using Mini Browser Builder.
  • Mini Browser Frame:  sets the color of the border for Mini Browsers displayed in the main content section of the Home page and in side bars.
  • Link/Option:  sets the color of item links and other options in Mini Browsers displayed in the main content section of the Home page and in side bars.  This can be overridden for each link in each user defined mini browser using Mini Browser Builder.
  • Label:  sets the color of labels within Mini Browsers displayed in the main content section of the Home page and in side bars..


Option Buttons:


Save button - saves the color collection.  Displayed when color collection is not the default color collection.

Save As button - creates a copy of the default color collection, saving it to a new name.  Only displayed when color collection is the default color collection.

Delete button - deletes the color collection.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to confirm deletion of the record.  Select OK to confirm the deletion or CANCEL to abort the deletion.

Print button - print the current page (contents of your browser window) according to your browser’s print settings. 

Cancel button - close the page discarding all entries and edits.

Close button - Close the page and save changes.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to save changes.  OK response saves changes, closes page, and returns to previous page.  CANCEL response discards all entries and edits (same as Cancel button).


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