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User Groups and Security in Detail
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Make a Resource Private:

By default, resources are made available to everyone who has access to the Resource Library.  The following steps explain how to secure a document and limit access to permitted users. The steps are similar for all other types of resources such as Discussions, Events, Surveys, etc.


§         Retrieve the document using Search For Documents page.

§         In the Record tab section set Private to YES.



§         When Private is set to YES the Security Groups tab section is displayed just below the option buttons at the bottom of the page.


§         Check each Security Group that is permitted to access the document.  

§         When finished click on   and confirm save.


Note that you may also control access to documents by limiting access to Document Categories (see the following section How To Make a Document Category Private) and by limiting access to the Documents Resource Library  (see the Chapter on Security).



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