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How to use Advanced Import Products

(PortalProdigy also offers an Import Product Data feature that is simpler to use than the Advanced Import.  The Import Product Data feature offers a limited set of data fields.)


1.      As a pre-requisite to importing products:

a.       Follow the steps outlined in the tutorial titled “Setup a Product Catalog and Online Shopping”.

b.      Read chapter of Administrator Manual titled “Item/Products Catalog Features in Detail”.

c.       Read chapter of Administrator Manual titled “Import Data Features in Detail”.

d.      Have a qualified CSV file containing Product information either on your computer or accessible on your local area network from your computer. 

·        File must be formatted according to CSV standards as comma delimited file format.

·        Data types must match corresponding Portal Prodigy data types.

·        If loading product pictures, they must be stored in “Images” sub-folder of folder containing the CSV file.  The sub folder must be named “Images” in order for Product Data Import process to find it.  (Note that all files in /images subfolder will be uploaded regardless of whether specified in CSV file).

·        If loading product pictures, the CSV file must have a column containing the file name of the picture, e.g. “Item1001.jpg”.

·        If loading HTML Product Descriptions, each Product’s Description must be saved as a separate HTML file and stored in “Documents” sub-folder of folder containing the CSV file.  (Note that all files in /documents subfolder will be uploaded regardless of whether specified in CSV file).

·        If loading HTML Product Descriptions, the CSV file must have a column containing the file name of the HTML description, e.g. “Item1001.htm”.

e.       If you want to import product Detail Category Keywords, you must define the product Detail Categories before importing products.  See the tutorial titled “Setup a Product Catalog and Online Shopping”.

2.      Go to Site Administration Menu.

3.      Click on the Utilities Go To icon located in the Site Management section.

4.      Click on the Advanced Import option.

5.      Select “Products” from Data Type list box.

6.      Click the Browse button and use the Choose File dialog box to select a CSV file.

7.      If the imported CSV file contains field (column) labels in the first row, set ‘Does first row contains field names?’ to “Yes”; otherwise set to “No”.

8.      If you want the import process to create new values in the lookup tables for Product Brands, Product Classifications, Product Types, etc., set “Add new values to lookup tables?” to “Yes”.  If you want the import process to only import values that already exist in the lookup tables set this option to “No”.

9.      Click on the Open Import File button.  (If this is the first time you are uploading something into PortalProdigy from your computer, you may be asked to install an upload applet and to trust a certificate.  In order to continue you will need to respond to the prompts to allow installation of the applet and to trust the certificate.  This is necessary to upload multiple files from your computer to the Web server.  Once installed, it can only upload files that you specify.  If you have any questions, please contact us.) This will display the Import Fields Selection section where you will map the columns in your CSV file to PortalProdigy fields.  

10.  For each field (column) in the imported CSV file, select the applicable PortalProdigy Field Name.  Note that fields that end with “ID” only accept a PortalProdigy ID.  You cannot create IDs.  IDs must already exist in PortalProdigy.  If a match is not found, the import process will reject the record.

11.  Click the Import button to perform the import.

12.  If prompted with “Do you agree to upload?” pop-up dialog box, click the Ok button.

13.  When import has finished it will display the total number of rows that were successfully imported and it will list by row number each row that could not be imported and reason why. 

14.  Click Close button to return to the Utilities Menu.



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