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Reporting Features in Detail
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Report Criteria

The Report Criteria page is used to specify data selection criteria and output sorting for the report. 


Report Details:



The Report Details section is used to enter data selection criteria.  The available criteria fields vary for each report.  ID fields allow multiple ID’s separated by commas.  Text fields search match for entire entry.  An asterisk * may be used as a wild card, e.g. the value Last Name = Mil* will find all Last names beginning with Mil.  Lookup options are provided to retrieve normalized values.  Multi-value list boxes allow selection of multiple search values.  To select multiple values hold down the control key while clicking on each value.  Multi-value list boxes performs search using OR between the values selected in the list box. 


Order By:

This section is used to set the sort order of the data on the report.  Each field that may used as part of the sort order is listed.



Follow the instructions listed on the page.  For each sort field the user may enter an integer to designate its order.  Asc is for ascending order and Desc is for descending order.



Clears all fields of criteria and sorting options.

Exports report data to an ASCII comma delimited file with CSV extension.  

Outputs the report to your browser.  The report is created in printable format either as HTML or as PDF.  Use your browser’s print option to send the report to a printer.

Close the page returning to the previous page. 



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