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Add an Online Test


  1. Read the chapter titled “Surveys Features in Detail” in the Administration Manual.


  1. Verify that the Surveys Feature has been activated. See tutorial titled, “Activate the Surveys Feature”.  It is also suggested that you create a “Tests” Survey Topic.


  1. Click on the Surveys add icon on the Site Administration Menu page.


  1. On the Survey Management page, enter the title of the Test into the Survey Title Field. The title is displayed in lists on public portions of the site and, when clicked on by a visitor, opens a page which displays the entire survey


  1. Enter instructions into the Description Field. The description is displayed on the visitors’ page at the top of the test just below the Survey Title.


  1. Set the Repetitive Selection field to No.  No prevents participants from taking the test more than once.  It also provides a method of identifying the participant by requiring them to login.


  1. Enter the email address of the individual that should be automatically notified each time survey answers are submitted into the Response Notification Email Field. (A response notification email template must be selected in Survey Feature Management in order for this to work.)


  1. Use the Question Details tab section to add questions. After the first question is entered, click on the Save button. A Questions tabbed section will appear at the bottom of the Survey Management page. Use this to navigate through multiple questions. To add a new question, click the Next Question button in the Questions tabbed section.  For each question repeat the following steps:


    1. Enter the question into the Question field within the Question Details tabbed section field.


    1. Set the Question Type by clicking one of the following radio buttons:


                                                              i.      Choice - used to set the question type to either multiple choice or true/false.

                                                            ii.      Text - is used for short answers and contact information that does not exceed 70 characters.

                                                          iii.      Memo – is used for long answers such as essay type questions.


    1. If the Choice Question radio button is selected enter a limit in the Maximum Answers field.
    2. Leave Display as List Box set to “No”.
    3. To control the order of questions on the test, enter a number in the Order # field.


    1. If the Choice Question radio Button is selected, enter the list of possible choices (answers) into this field.  NOTE: To update an answer using this field form, the Administrator must first click on the answer they desire to edit and then click on the edit icon.


    1. Leave Administrator Only set to “No”.


    1. Leave in Knowledgebase set to “No”.


    1. Typically the Required field is set to “No” for tests.  To require the participant to answer all questions, set Required field to “Yes”.


  1. Leave the Active field to Yes.  


  1. To make the test inaccessible after a specified date, enter that date in the Expires Date field.


  1. Select a topic if applicable.  Topics determine which surveys and tests are grouped together on the list displayed to visitors.  It is suggested to create a “Tests” topic to group all surveys that are used for testing.


  1. If your site is using multi site synchronization, set the level.


  1. Set the privacy settings.


  1. Click the save button.


  1. You may automatically send a test notification to participants by clicking the broadcast button, if a template was created. See tutorial titled “Create a Universal Automated Survey Announcement Email Notice”


  1. Add a link to the Survey selection page on a menu. See tutorial called “Add a Link to the Surveys Selection page”.




Add URL, linking to the Survey page, as a hyperlink on the appropriate menu, membership type, or other page as desired so that there is a link to the test. The hyperlink is as follows:


Where the variable “X” should be the survey’s Survey ID Number.


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