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Documents Resource Library Feature in Detail
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Using the Document Editor:


Create a New HTML Document:

Click on the  button from any page that contains this option to display the Edit Document page shown below.

Type or cut and paste content into the editor.

Use the formatting options displayed as icons on the Document Editor’s toolbar to format your content.

When finished editing the document, click on  button to save the document and close the Document Editor.  Note that images are uploaded when you select save, therefore there may be a pause while PORTALPRODIGY is uploading the images in the background.  The length of the pause is dependent on the number and file size of the images and speed of your network connection.


Edit an Existing HTML Document:

Click on the  button from any page that contains this option to display the Edit Document page shown below.


Edit your documents content.  You may type or cut and paste content into the editor.

To change the format of text or any section of the document, highlight the block to format and select one of the formatting options displayed as icons on the Document Editor’s toolbar to format your content.

To edit objects such as Tables, Images, Links and Rulers, click on the object to highlight it then click on the applicable icon.  When editing a table be sure to select the Edit Table tab in the dialog box; otherwise the Document Editor will insert a new table within the existing one.

When finished editing the document, click on  button to save the document and close the Document Editor.  Note that images are uploaded when you select save, therefore there may be a pause while PORTALPRODIGY is uploading the images in the background.  The length of the pause is dependent on the number and file size of the images and speed of your network connection.


Insert a Table:

Position the cursor in your document where you want to insert the table.

Click on the insert table icon  to display the Create/Edit table dialog box as shown below -



Enter the number of rows for the table to have.

Enter the number of columns for the table to have.

Click on Padding and Spacing.

Enter the cell padding, which is the margin separating a cell’s content from the cell border.  Enter 0 to eliminate spacing.

Enter the cell spacing, which is the margin separating each cell’s border from the borders of other cells and the outer border of the table.  A number of 1 or greater will cause double lined borders.  Enter 0 to eliminate spacing and have single line borders.

Click on Borders.

Enter a Border Width, which is the thickness of the lines.

Select a Border Color by clicking on a color in the color chart or enter a hexadecimal color code in Border Color.

Click on Background.

Select a Background Color by clicking on a color in the color chart or enter a hexadecimal color code in Background Color.

Click     button.

The table will appear in the document similar to the example shown below:

Click in each cell and type your entries.  The cells expand to accommodate the entry.  The tables will automatically adjust to accommodate entries in other columns and will automatically perform a wrap the text within the cells.  The Document Editor will not allow a table to exceed the width of the page supported by PORTALPRODIGY.  The page width is designed to fit within the standard content dimensions of a PORTALPRODIGY Website page.

Note that you may insert a table within a cell and you may insert an image into within a cell.  You may format the contents of a table using the same format options located on the toolbar that are used for content outside of a table.


Insert an Image:

Position the cursor in your document where you want to insert the image.

Click on the insert image icon  to display the Picture dialog box as shown below:

Click on the  button to locate and select an image file to upload.  This will display a dialog box similar to the one below (note the actual dialog box is dependent on your computer operating system and version):

Highlight the image file to insert and click Open (or equivalent command).

You may enter into Alternate Text the label to be displayed as a placeholder for the image.  Note that it is not necessary to enter an alternate text.

Set the images Alignment.  This controls the placement of the image within the document relative to where you are inserting it.  We suggest you experiment with the settings to see how they affect the positioning of the image.  This setting can be used to place an image inline with text, above text, below text, etc.

You may enter a Border Thickness to have a border placed around the image.  Leave this field blank or enter a 0 to display the image without a border.

You may enter Horizontal and Vertical Spacing values to create space between the horizontal and vertical borders of the image and the surrounding text or content.  We suggest you experiment with the settings to see how they affect the positioning of the image.  Leave this field blank to eliminate extra spacing around the image.

Click on  button to save the settings and insert the image within the document.


View/Edit HTML Mode (Advanced Feature):

Use of the View/Edit HTML mode is an advanced feature and is not necessary for the creation of attractive documents. 

To view the HTML code, click on the HTML checkbox located below the lower left corner of the editing window.  The HTML is displayed as shown below:

You may directly edit the HTML and insert new HTML tags and text while in the View/Edit HTML mode.  Beware that the Document Editor will not correct HTML coding; therefore if you make a mistake your documents may not display correctly.



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