Before visitors can begin to signup for Membership the
following must be setup:
Configure Membership Features Management
Create Membership Email Broadcast Templates
Create Membership Types
Define your Membership Approval Process
Define your Membership Billings Process &
define required Terms
Membership has four distinct processes:
1. Define
Membership Types & Fees
2. Membership
signup process.
3. Membership
approval process.
4. Membership
billing process.
For each Membership Type that a contact or company signs up
for, the system creates a Membership record in the Memberships table. Note that a contact or company may signup for
and be a member of more than one Membership Type.
Each Membership record can have only one application (link
to a Survey record). If approval of the
Membership Type is required, the approval status is recorded in the Membership
record. Membership records have one or
more related Order records, which are created when fees are billed. When a Membership is for a Company, the
Contact ID is used to specify the Primary Contact, thus all Memberships have a
Contact record. The contact record is
created from either the Signup page or the Contact/Member Management page. Each Membership Type may specify a
Registration form that is substituted for the one specified in Features
Management User Signup page, such that if the member applicant needs to signup
after clicking on Join, the Registration form specified for the Membership they
are signing up for shall be displayed; if they already have a login this does
not apply.
The system creates an Order record with Order Items for each
applicable membership fee. When a
payment is entered into the system, the system creates a Payment Transaction
record. More than one Payment record can
be created in order to enter partial payments; however, when online payment is
required, the Order amount must be paid in full. When membership type requires approval, the
member also has an Application record that is created using the Survey Engine,
which creates a Survey record and one or more corresponding Answer
records. The Application Approval page
is used to review and approve applications. Approval status, approved by and approval
dates are stored in the Membership record.
Links to Membership can be created using the Menu Builder,
Mini Browser Builder and/or Greeting Management where Greeting tags link to
either the Membership Types page that lists all available memberships or
directly to a specific Membership Type’s Membership Detail page.
The Membership Features page is used to configure parameters
to support Membership Types.
The Membership Type Management page is used to add and edit
Membership Types.
Membership is included as an Order Features Type. Membership billing can be done via the Invoicing
process, which provides the ability to automate the creation of Membership
Invoices for new Members, Recurring Dues and Renewals.
Once an Administrator has learned how to create surveys the
Administrator will understand how to create Membership Applications because
applications are also created using the Survey Engine;
If your organization requires members to be approved for
membership, create one or more Security Groups for Approving Membership and
assign to the individuals that are responsible for this. This done using Security Group Management
then using Contact Management to assign the responsible individuals to the
Security Group.