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Implement a Religious Congregation Website
 Posted On: 08/30/2004Last Updated On: 11/07/2008Size: 84 K  
 Quick Tutorial provide overview and detailed steps for planning and building a congregational website
Implement a Retail Website
 Posted On: 08/26/2004Last Updated On: 11/07/2008Size: 50 K  
 Quick Tutorial which provides overall guidance to planning and developing a retail website using the PortalProdigy Internet Operating Platform.
Implement a Service Organization Website
 Posted On: 08/30/2004Last Updated On: 11/07/2008Size: 68 K  
 Quick Tutorial provide overview and detailed steps for planning and building a service organization website
Implement a Web Portal
 Posted On: 08/30/2004Last Updated On: 06/28/2009Size: 74 K  
 Quick Tutorial provide overview and detailed steps for planning and building a web portal.
Implement an Advocacy or Political Organization Website - simple
 Posted On: 06/07/2004Last Updated On: 06/28/2009Size: 10 K  
 Steps to Implementing an Advocacy or Political Organization Website
Import Contacts Excluding Media and LRCA Types
 Posted On: 06/07/2004Last Updated On: 08/03/2009Size: 11 K  
 Tutorial describing the use of Utility to import data from csv files.
Import Products
 Posted On: 08/25/2004Last Updated On: 09/27/2011Size: 10 K  
 Quick Tutorial describes steps for importing a file containing normalized records of items for the online catalog.
Locate and Review Individual Survey Results
 Posted On: 06/08/2004Last Updated On: 06/28/2009Size: 2 K  
 Tutorial describes searchinf for survey results and printing reports.
PortalProdigy Website Management Basics
 Posted On: 01/13/2012Last Updated On: 01/13/2012Size: 228 K  
 This guide covers the core things you to need to know to operate your PortalProdigy website.
Setup a Charity Supply Catalog and Ordering System
 Posted On: 08/30/2004Last Updated On: 12/17/2009Size: 57 K  
 Quick tutorial describes steps for setting up charity supply catalog and ordering system as might be used for central clothing, soup kitchen and health supplies orgaization.
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